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Everything happened so fast.

One minute I was on my way into the woods, where I would probably get away unharmed. The next minute I screaming and jumping on Aaron's back.

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled, hanging my body weight down, and heard him gasp for air. For a split second, I thought I was winning. But Aaron tossed me off of his back and then hit me across the face with the back of his hand. I flew sideways and hit the dirt. Grant called out to me, but I stumbled to regain focus.

Aaron must have seen the look on Grant's face because when his face came into view, he was facing me with a wicked grin. He stomped toward me and I tried to stand up again. I yelped out in pain, exaggerating an injury in hope of fooling him into coming closer. If he'd step a little nearer to me, I would jam one of Gina's shots into his neck. Grant was sneaking up quietly, so I kept pretending to be hurt.

I slid my hand into my pocket and took hold of the shot. I wrapped my fingers around it so it would slip from my grip. Aaron towered over me, reached down, and went to pull me up as Grant went to attack him. Before Grant could make contact, Aaron had me up on my feet with one of his arms looped under mine. He ripped the shot from my palm and held it up.

"Back off!" Aaron shouted.

Grant froze in place. "Let her go! This is between you and me, not Ryleigh."

Aaron held me tightly across himself, taking jagged steps backward and dragging me along. "Were you going to stick me with this, Ryleigh? Knock me out with the last one of Gina's famous shots? You know she needed to use two of them on me, don't you? I'm surprised there's still one left!"

I had forgotten about that. Gina had needed two shots for Aaron to get knocked unconscious. It only took one for the rest of us.
I had only one shot left besides the one Aaron was now holding, but he didn't know that.

Grant had a look of panic across his face. Tears welled up in my eyes and I mouthed I'm sorry.

"Didn't you think that was strange?" Aaron asked and took a wide step back. "Two shots! Made me look like a badass, didn't you think so? Stupid saline or whatever Gina put in there; it fooled you guys though! You know, when I get off this island, I might try my hand at acting. I have to say, I even impressed myself with that performance of taking two shots and then passing out! Don't you think I could be an actor?"

"I didn't know they were remaking the Addams Family movie! You'll make a great Lurch!" Grant snickered.

Aaron twirled the shot around between his fingers before tossing it over the cliff.
"You're hilarious, Grant. Let's see if you think it's funny when I toss your girlfriend off the cliff, huh?"

"Who's on your team, Aaron? Why them and not us? Why'd you go against us?" I asked, trying to stall time.

My feet slid across the dirt as he shifted me in his arm and stepped backward again. We were nearing the edge.

"You mean to tell me you don't know who else is on my team, Ryleigh?" Aaron sang out. "I'll give you a hint. He's staring right at you, right there!"

My eyes got wide. "Grant?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Aaron shouted. "Tell her what she's won today, Phil!"

Grant flinched and stared in disbelief.

"Well, Bob " Aaron said in a creepy game show voice. "She's won a trip! A trip and fall, that is! Right off this cliff!"

"No!" Grant shrieked.

Aaron nuzzled his face to my ear and I shuddered. Squirming in his grip, I tried to get loose as he spoke. "Your boy Grant has been on my team this whole time. I bet you never suspected your boyfriend, did you?"

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