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I grew restless as I waited for Grant to fully scope out the back of the cabin. Impatiently I sighed loud enough for him to hear and he shot back down next to me.

"I think they're gone," he whispered.

"Yeah, so who knows when they'll be back?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't mean like gone for an hour or two. I mean gone."

I looked at him before shooting my body up to peer above the bushes. The back door was open wide enough to see inside. Things were strewn around the cabin as though someone had left in a hurry. I crouched back down.

"Let's go closer," he suggested.

I held my breath as he made his way around the bushes and onto the dirt. Following close behind him, I stayed alert, expecting Gina or Dean to jump out any second. We inched our way over to the door and I waited as Grant peeked inside. He motioned for me to follow him.

Stepping into the cabin, my stomach was in a knot. Drawers were open and cabinets looked like they had been ransacked. A bottle of water was tipped over on the kitchen counter and was steadily dripping onto the floor.

"Wait here," Grant said. "I'll peek around the corner."

I stayed near the door as he slowly started to sneak away. I rushed over to one of the open kitchen drawers and started to look through it. Not finding much, I quickly opened the other drawers until finally finding utensils. I grabbed a knife that wasn't too sharp, but I figured it was better than nothing.

"Ry," Grant called.

I jumped and held the knife out.

"Sorry," I said when I saw him.

"They're gone," he said. "Like really gone. The entire place is a mess. I think they left and from the look of it, they were in a hurry."

"Why would they rush out of here?" I asked.

He shrugged and walked over to the refrigerator. "After we escaped and got Aaron out, maybe they ran."

He found two bottles of water and handed me one.

"Then they probably took the boat back, huh?" I said.

"There must be another way off this island," he said, after thinking about it for a moment.

I stared down at my feet. We had made it this far. There had to be a way out.

"Let's search this place. Maybe we'll find something helpful," Grant suggested.

I agreed and decided to continue going through the small kitchen. Grant went into the adjoining room. I could hear him opening and closing doors and moving furniture around. All I found was some leftover food, which I happily shared with Grant. We walked upstairs to the bedroom and checked every corner. All I found under the bed were dust bunnies.

I was about to tell Grant I wanted to give up the search when we both heard a noise coming from downstairs. There weren't many places to hide in the small bedroom that occupied the second floor. The wooden stairs creaked.

"They're back!" I whispered.

We both glanced around frantically. Grant pulled a dark blue blanket from the bed and motioned with his head for me to lay down. I gave him a look before quietly getting onto the bed. He laid down alongside of me and draped the blanket over us both until we were completely covered. Grabbing a pillow, he tossed it on top of us and then pulled his arm back in just as we heard the door open.

I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut. We laid completely still. It sounded like one person's footsteps and I could feel the heat of someone standing next to me. Grant's fingers brushed lightly against mine and I opened my eyes. Whatever was about to happen, I knew we were in it together.

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