Chap Nine

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"welcome home"

The following week had been, normal.

And by that, I meant boring. As any day would usually be. I don't really get how people think being popular is fun, like how? You get invited to parties? All the cute, hot boys notice and want to date you? Most of them are actually just that, hot and cute, so I don't really get the craze. Everyone knows you? To anyone who finds that fun, it only lasts for a few days, eventually people will start to find someone hotter, fresher, and more interesting to ogle on.

So no, popularity isn't really "fun". It's vain, vapid, and soul-sucking.

Funny, coming from the queen bee of one of the most elite high schools in Manhattan. It's what I feel though, so you can all go sue me if you want.

But it was now Wednesday, and pre-graduation prepping for the seniors just started last Monday, so the auditorium was off-limits until the next month. The student council already posted schedules of the recognition and graduation dates, and the whole graduation ball thing-y the seniors had. I bet most of them already reserved rooms at every possible hotel suite in the city.

I shook my head at the thought, horny rich kids.

"Ava! Ava!"

My head turned at the voice loudly screeching my name, a couple of people turned around too, and I saw a random girl speeding her way towards me, a large black box in her hands. I patiently waited for her to approach me, she was really panting when she did though.

I closed my locker and grabbed my bottle of water from my bag and handed it to her, "Here, take a bit of a breather first, then talk"

She took the bottle and drank a generous amount before giving it back to me, I looked at the now almost empty bottle, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll just buy you another one!" she blubbered out when she noticed me looking at the content.

"Don't bother" I said, throwing the bottle in a nearby trash bin. "What did you call me for? And, next time, approach me by walking and not shouting, you sounded like you were going to declare that Jesus Christ stepped on Earth again." I advised the girl, and I brought us inside an empty classroom, if we were going to have some kind of transaction, I'd rather not do it where other people can hear and see. If walls have ears, then high school kids have a knack for petty gossip and scandal.

"Sorry" she said with a cheeky smile, then she held up the large black box, which I just noticed had the letters A and H encrusted in diamond on the top lid. "Some fancy guy in a long suit came up to me and told me to bring this to you, he said it was something "of utter importance", and that it shouldn't be opened by anyone else but you"

Humphrey. But who could have given this for me? And why couldn't it wait until I got home?

I grabbed the box from the girl and gave her a fake smile, "Okay, is that all?" The girl nodded. I sighed and looked at the box, people don't really deliver me gifts while I'm at school, most of the people who do plan on giving me boxes or presents usually arrive in person. Guess they had a change of delivery systemization.

"That would be all then. Thanks" I looked at her questioningly, "Oh! It's Ana! My name's Ana!" she exclaimed, my eyes widened at her loudness and obvious energy, was she child? She looked like she had so much energy to burn. "Thank you then, Ana, see you" I said dismissively. Ana nodded one last time before running out of the room.

I opened the box gently and placed the lid on the teacher's table, it was just filled with white and dark blue confetti, so I rummaged the box until I felt a pointed corner and dragged it out. A card.

Hi little sis,

Nice to finally be back in America, the air is as salty and the sky is as blue as my eyes. LOL.

Anyway, there's a surprise waiting for you at home, see you later. ;)

- Zavier.

I tucked the card and put it back in the box, just when I thought they'd abandoned me, they decide to wedge themselves back, they didn't even send a card. And all that delivery system just for a small card that was barely even filled. Zavier was and will always be extra.

I closed the box and was about to exit the room when someone suddenly entered the doors, he was looking down so he didn't see me, but when he closed the door, he slowly lifted his head and when he looked at me, he froze, and so did I. Kind of.

"Uh, A, I mean, glitters, what are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it and quickly walked out of the room instead, the box in my arms.

For some reason, after the party last Saturday, I'd get more flustered whenever I walk past him, or whenever he glances at me in hallways or during break time, I even purposely avoid him whenever we have the same class together. Get a grip Ice Queen, don't let yourself be fooled by some guy from the past. He's just nobody now, he shouldn't even affect you anymore, so just breathe and concentrate on finishing you classes today. Okay.

Plus, my brothers are most definitely planning a party, it's what they always did when they were still here. Noah Campbell is the least of your problems.

Or so I like to think.

"Ava! There you are! Let's hit it to fourth period missy!"

Yep, definitely least of my problems. 

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