Chap Ten

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The picture on top is the dress I envisioned Ava would wear to her brothers' welcome back party. 


"surprise party"

To answer Alicia's previous question, this has been the 180th party I've been to already in my entire junior year, yes I kept count, yes the people in my year are almost obsessed with throwing useless parties every weekend. They throw parties more than they actually attend school, gasp.

But the moment I got home, I already expected the entirety of my older brothers settled inside the house, what I didn't expect was that when they meant they were having a "surprise", I mean I knew they were having a party, I wasn't expecting it to be held the evening when mom and dad got home too. Like, no warning for preparations or advanced spa appointments and shopping opportunity, just instant announcement. Seriously, I've never liked surprise parties much less a regular party.

"A, are you done yet? We need a bit of help handing out the drinks to the guests here"

Benjamin, the second eldest brother of mine, said as he knocked on my door. I rolled my eyes as my hand hovered above the unstrapped heel on my foot, "Go get one of the servers you guys hired to do it! You don't pay me to wait drinks!" I replied.

Ben groaned and grumbled something about me being a brat or whatever, but he did leave with a quick note to "hurry up"

I clipped my shoes close and looked back at my vanity mirror, I tried to put an effort on my makeup this time, since the entire ballroom downstairs was designed elegantly and my brothers were already in their formal attires, mom and dad arrived a couple of hours after and all of them immediately moved back to the dining room to converse about their "missing years" or whatever.

I self- styled my hair into a fashionable bun on top of my head, with a few delicate and curled strands falling on the side of my head, my face was soft and looked creamy, all thanks to the layers of creams, foundations and highlighters I put together. A small blush and contour, I didn't wear any eye shadow since I was going for something angelic and elegant, just wore fake lashes and liquid eyeliner which really brought out the brown tone of my eyes, and my lips were a matte baby pink. I looked almost 'heavenly', but I still couldn't pull it off like how Alicia does.

I stood up and examined myself on my full body mirror, it took me a full hour to look for an outfit, most of my clothes were all out seasoned or too school chic, but I finally settled on something elegant and cute.

A sleeveless burgundy cocktail dress that reached up to my knees, the skirt was bunched into even ruffles and was longer on the backside, so it looked like a mini skirt cape. It looked a bit too plain even with my maroon Manolo heels, so I added a red leather belt to add a bit of flare and a long red fur coat. I looked amazing.

I sent my reflection a flying kiss and grabbed my phone from my vanity and bounded out of my room.

As soon as I closed my bedroom door, I noticed that there were people standing and chatting outside, they all looked much older, most of them in simple dresses and suits, but still being able to exude power.

They were all happily chatting with each other, but as soon as I stepped on the carpeted floor, all their eyes moved to look at me. And since I was feeling pretty rad about myself, I tipped my head up and started to walk towards the stairs, aware that all their gazes followed my every step.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked up to see that most of the guests downstairs were all looking at me, in a regular day I would have been a bit nerved with so many people in elegant and powerful attires looking at me, but like I said, I felt awesome, so I gave them all a small and polite smile and went my way to look for my family.

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