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No Choice Left

"The sunset's really pretty tonight."

Mark ran a hand through his hair slowly as he and Hound watched the sunset that night. Hound chuckled at his young friend's attempt to create small talk, and smiled at him. He looked over at Mark thoughtfully for a moment, and then spoke up. "Y'know it's truly a sight..." He carefully moved his hand underneath Mark who gave a startled cry and deposited him carefully onto his shoulder "From my height."

Hound calmly stood to his feet as Mark clutched tightly. "Whoa! WHOA!" He stated quietly.

"Yer fine." Hound held him with a hand "You won't fall Mark."

As he was finally standing at full height, Hound turned back towards the sunset. Mark was stunned, it was just as beautiful as Hound had suggested. His eyes widened, and he clutched onto a bit of his shoulder. "Wow, this is... This is how you see everything?" Hound nodded with a grin "This is so cool, Hound. Now I'm kinda jealous of you." He chuckled a little.

Hound smirked, and rubbed his thumb along Mark's head. "Well, you get a real treat then, I suppose." He explained "Few humans really get to see from this height for just a relaxing moment." He noted "Most of the time, it's other, more war-related reasons." He smiled up at the boy who still seemed awestruck "Is it really that amazing for you humans?"

"And a little scary..." Mark chuckled nervously "I would really hate to be the guy who fell from this high."

Hound laughed slightly. "You're safe with me, Mark." Hound replied softly "Always."

For once, Mark was surprised to realize that he didn't doubt that. Somehow he was slowly beginning to feel safe around the mech, like around him, no one could, or would hurt him. He bit his lip slightly, unsure of how to respond to that out loud. The answer that came out of his mouth surprised him, nearly making him bite his tongue. "I know." It was so soft that only Hound could have possibly heard it.

Hound was silent a moment, and then shifted. "So, I've been thinking..."

"Don't hurt yourself." Mark snorted.

"Punk." Hound jested, then added "I was going to say that I was thinking when I take you out of town. Maybe I can stick around with ye just a little bit longer." Mark turned to Hound in surprise "You've been being looked after by me for so long... I'm kinda worried that if I leave you on yer own right away it won't end well." He then added "I can stick around ye, at least until yer on your feet."

"Hound, you've done plenty for me." Mark replied "You don't need to-."

"I want to."

"I get that, I do." Mark told him quickly "And if you could do that it would be great. But the Autobots need you, Hound." Hound frowned at that "I'm just a kid; you've got a whole planet to worry about." The next word pained him more than anything "I can't ask you to take care of me for the rest of my life. Even if I know you would if you could."

Hound looked away at that comment, as if feeling uncomfortable. He knew the boy was right, if he could take care of him for the rest of his life, he would. He'd do it in a sparkbeat at this point. But what government would let him? He knew it would be a long string of custody fights, arguments, and the like. He didn't know if he could Mark through that, or the war itself. "I... Understand." He finally spoke "If us parting ways is what you want this week, then that's what we'll do."

"Please don't be upset." Mark replied "I really like you, Hound." Hound peered over at him "If it hadn't been for you I'd probably be dead right now, or in that freak Cyclonus's hands." Hound was silent for another several moments "And you're the only reason I have even a little trust for anyone again." Hound smiled a little at that "But you and I know if we were both on the run, someone's going to see us. And this whole thing will come crashing down."

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