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A/N: So, it has come to my attention that Tessa WAS stated as graduating in two weeks in the film. Oops. I thought that it was never stated how close she was to it. So oh well, easy fix here. We'll just say that AOE took place four months earlier than it did in the actual movie here. Not enough to say it's an AU as literally everything else is the same and happened as it did, but it's a little hard to go and rewrite everything over this small detail. XD

Also I'm finally giving the name of the town Cade lives in a name: Fullton. If it does have a name and I missed that bit too, feel free to tell me.


Catching Up and a Surprise

Hound rubbed the back of his neck slightly, staring down at the ground. Two days, he'd been out for two day. In the meantime, he'd, according to First Aid, been visited regularly by Mark. But at the very least, Mark had nothing happen to him. According to First Aid, they'd made positively sure that wouldn't happen either. He sighed quietly, grunting a bit as he rubbed his chest. "Sound like you've had a fun first two days on Earth." First Aid gave a quiet laugh in response "I feel terrible for giving everyone the scare I did."

First Aid gave a friendly smile as he finished up his scans of Hound's internal systems. "Just try not to do it again, alright?" First Aid told him firmly "I might not have the temper that Ratchet did but I do not like seeing this stuff happen." He shook his head a bit "You also aren't to go into the field for another week. You may have gotten it stabilized but you still need time to heal." He explained.

"Right, right." Hound waved him off slightly "Am I free to go? Because I have a feeling I have a fourteen year old boy who'd like to see me soon." He explained.

First Aid nodded his head slowly, looking at his friend as he stood. "Last day of school was today." First Aid noted, eyeing Hound thoughtfully "And Drift should be back with him in about a half an hour. I think Mark said something about it being a half-day." Hound nodded his head as he stood to his feet slowly "So where'd you guys pick him up anyway? No one's told me yet."

Hound stepped over towards First Aid, and sighed a bit. "He was the son of one of the humans that hunted us down." First Aid's optics widened at that "I found him alone and in the claws of Cyclonus. The rest is sort of history, he's a good kid, and we decided to give him a home." He explained "After all, he lost a father, and I lost... Well, my entire family as well."

First Aid gave a sympathetic look towards Hound, and he knew why. First Aid had been part of the medical staff that had tried to revive his bonded, and sparkling after the destruction of the base. "Yeah, well, tragedy is said to bring people together. Though I'm not entirely sure "tragedy" would be the right word for the loss of anyone in that Cemetery Wind group." Hound nodded absently "I feel bad for the kid, though. It is just another casualty of this fragging war." He commented bluntly.

Hound was silent, though he finally gave another nod. First Aid was right, though he'd never say it in front of Mark, he still wasn't too bent out of shape about James Savoy's death. But he did feel sorry for him, at the very least. "Yeah, I ain't too bent out of shape. But apparently he at least treated Mark well." He explained, after a moment, he smiled, and slapped First Aid on the back "It's good to have you back, Aid. I missed having ye around."

"Likewise, it's good to see you again." First Aid nodded his head "Now, you'll need to let me know if you get any abnormal chest pain. And be in here tomorrow so that I can give you a once over." He then added "Like usual, even though I know this won't be an issue, no spark-merging or interfacing for the next twenty-four hours." He explained.

"Primus, who would I interface with?" Hound snorted.

First Aid shrugged his shoulders at that, though he kept his optics on Hound. Hound sighed, he wouldn't mind finding someone to couple up with on some days, now that he had Mark. But there were slim pickings with most every femme in the universe not on Earth, or not online. Of course, he would never have a bonded again, it was physically impossible for their race. But a partner at the very least... "You never know, give it a couple of stellar cycles, it could happen." Hound shrugged at First Aid's notion "Now go on, Hound, I still have some settling in to do, and I can't exactly organize my workspace while you distract me."

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