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Meet The Family

It only took five minutes for Mark to regret the entire idea. Why had he expected subtlty? There was never anything outright subtle about giant robots, so he didn't understand why he had expected it now. But still, almost immediately after they had entered, the roar of a gigantic t-rex sent the whole ground shaking as Mark gripped onto her hand. "Frag," Mark muttered, his eyes looking toward Alexis. "How good were you on the whole giant robotic dinosaurs thing?"

By the look on Alexis's face, she was definitely not okay with it. Or at least, not as okay as he wanted her to be if Grimlock was going to be coming to meet her now. He turned to Sideswipe as he transformed behind him, wheeling up in-between the two. "So there seriously ARE giant robot dinosaurs? That wasn't some kind of joke?" Mark nodded his head as she gathered her thoughts. "I think I'm sort of confused... I'm scared shitless and excited all at once."

"They have that effect on people," Sideswipe snorted a little. "Just be prepared to meet one of them in three... Two..."

Sideswipe hadn't even gotten to finish counting before Grimlock was in front of them. This time, Alexis snatched Mark's hand, much to the fourteen year old's surprise. For his part, Mark suppressed his laughter at the thought of Alexis, the tough girl she was, balking back at anything. "She human, her?" Grimlock questioned as he craned his neck around Mark.

"Yeah, this is her Grimlock," Mark patted the side of his friends head lightly. "Take it easy, alright? She's a little scared of you right now. You know how we talked about the whole "scare" factor you've got going on?" The Dinobot leader gave a puff of air in annoyance. "Come on, play nice and don't scare her, for me?" He questioned.

Alexis stood there, watching as the boy tried to calm the mech down. How was Mark this brave? Was he really this close with this giant, terrifying t-rex? She stiffened herself a bit, as if expecting this "Grimlock" to bite his head off at any moment. But eventually, the beast seemed to groan silently, and look him in the eyes. "Fine, me Grimlock play nice," Grimlock grumbled. "You human!" She jumped back as Grimlock addressed her. "You human like him Mark?" He questioned, motioning to Mark for emphasis.

Alexis put her hands in her pockets, trying her best to look casual despite the situation. Her eyes locked with Mark's knowing what answer he wanted, though she wasn't sure what he answer would ultimately be. After several moments, she nodded her head. "Y-Yeah," She stuttered, nervousness still shining through. "I do..."

"Good, because you human hurt him Mark," Grimlock told her slightly. "And me Grimlock play nice no more."

"Stand down, Grimlock."

Alexis turned as Optimus started to cross the main hangar, his optics scanning between the four of them. Now this was definitely almost more intimidating than the T-Rex. After all, nearly every human on Earth knew who Optimus Prime was. And now here he was, in the flesh and less than two feet away from her. "Me Grimlock just saying," Grimlock huffed as he started in a different direction. "Me Grimlock leave her human alone now, but me Grimlock watching her."

And with that, Alexis only felt more confused as the giant t-rex trudged off. Optimus gave a small, hefty laugh and then looked down at Alexis. "You will have to forgive the attitude of Grimlock. He is of a very high opinion of our youngest Autobot," Optimus explained, his voice warm and friendly. "You will find many of us on this base are rather..."


Mark facepalmed slightly as Crosshairs stepped up beside Optimus, his optics looking her over. He almost, almost felt relief in the fact that Drift and Prowl, at the very least stepped back. But First Aid, who Mark was almost surprised by due to their limited contact as of late, was just as bad as Crosshairs. "Primus almighty, kid, this is the femme you've been hiding from us?" First Aid spoke up first. "She's developing in her growth nicely, and she's very... Beautiful, especially for her age."

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