Part 3

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It was a few days later when Delilah heard rumors that the entire forest to the left of the village of Froth had been searched. They had not found the barbarians. Many of the Lord's believed she had lied or was simply mistaking some weary travelers for these barbarians.

Delilah was sure they were in the forests somewhere. Perhaps the barbarians had realized they couldn't win against her people and fled back south. This was a possibility that had been raised at dinner one night and many had cheered to say they were scared of our people's strength. Her father, however had been strangely quiet and worried the last few days. Hopefully now that the threat of the barbarians was over with, her life would return to normal.

Delilah had visited Lancelot in the stables during those days and the poor horse was chomping at the bit to go for a ride. She had fed him a few juicy apples to placate the stubborn horse's mood.

Delilah was thankful for the nighttime when the stars were their brightest and their home was so quiet. Finally, on the third night she snuck out of her chambers, praying Lily hadn't heard her from the next room. Tightening her shawl around her bare shoulders, Delilah scurried down the cool hallway and out onto the south wing balcony that led to the castle's walls.

Delilah thought back to the first time she had started walking these walls during one of her sleepless nights. Breathing in the cool night air, Delilah smiled at the view before her. The rolling hills were bathed in the full moonlight and close by, their beautiful river was flowing smoothly and nothing appeared amiss. Delilah turned away from the beautiful vista and continued her walk along the turrets of the wall.

Gazing over the opposite side of the wall Delilah observed the silent courtyard below that during the day was bustling with activity. Delilah nodded at a passing patrolling guard who bowed to her and continued on her way along the wall until she came to the north wing entrance of the balcony.

A dark cloaked figure emerged and Delilah gave a gasp of fright when her father removed his cloak and gifted her with a loving smile. His bearded face was wrinkled and his eyes showed his tiredness.

"Delilah! What are you doing up and about, my dear?" Her father took her hand and began pulling her back along the walls path to the south wing.

"I couldn't sleep. I thought a walk would do me good. What are you doing awake?" Delilah grinned up at her father who winked down at her and pulled out a platter of their cooks famous pie.

"I didn't get enough after dinner, I think. Your mother, gods bless her, always baked these delicious sweets that she would keep in our chambers for when I had any late night cravings." Her father's voice wavered a bit and he stopped walking to look over the wall at their bountiful territory, "Your mother would have loved to see you, as you are. You look so much like her."

Delilah blushed and fiddled with a lock of her bright, blonde hair and stared up at her father, her green eyes welling up with tears. "Papa, I love it when you speak of her and I know how proud of you and what you've accomplished."

Her father smiled and nodded before looking out over the vista once more. His smile didn't reach his eyes like it usually did. "Delilah, we need to discuss the future."

Delilah breathed in deeply and spoke fast. Her words tumbled out of her mouth so quickly it was a wonder her father understood her. "Do you mean, about the barbarians? I wasn't lying, Papa, they were in the woods. I'm sure of it."

"I know, young one, I know, but I wasn't referring to the barbarians." Her father, looked as if he was dreading this conversation. He hadn't looked this pained since she was just a child and he'd had to tell Delilah her wolfhound had passed away.

Delilah stared up at her father worriedly, praying to the gods that nothing terrible had happened. "Tell me, Papa. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think." Delilah gave her father what she hoped to be a reassuring smile as she pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders.

"Well. In the last few months since your nineteenth name day, I have been feeling worried and troubled over what will happen when I eventually pass on. When that happens you will be left here to rule as High Lady of the Court of Roses." Lord Gregory ached with all his heart as he did not want to have this conversation with his daughter who he still thought of as a young babe.

Lord Gregory grumbled a little bit, "So, over the last few months I have been looking into eligible suitors who wish to join with you in marriage." Delilah felt herself become red all over at the thought of her father inquiring with the many lords over their court or even in the far off territories.

Before she could say anything her father continued, "I know what you are thinking and it is nothing too serious. However, there was one individual who was most pressing with his suit. This man, while not a lord in his own right, has shown exemplary military skills and loyalty to King David and our family. He is a good man and I believe he would make a loving husband. If you would just spend time with him and get to know him, I think you would agree. I believe you would develop a true love for this man, like the one your mother and I shared."

Delilah thought back to all of the men she had met or knew over the years of living here at the Court of Roses and Delilah felt her insides freeze with realization.

"General Gaul... You wish for me to marry General Gaul. Papa, you don't mean that.... He's so....." Delilah was in shock, her words lost in her throat.

"I know it isn't ideal, what with him being a military man, and he is a tad bit older, but he is a good man and he treasures you so much."

"You didn't agree to this. Please don't tell me you did! I can't marry him. He unsettles me so and I've heard rumors of his evil ways during battle." Delilah shook her head and pulled out of her father's grasp.

"I didn't agree to it yet. You truly believe every rumor you hear before getting to know someone? I wish you would consider it. I won't be here forever and General Gaul can protect you and our home. He cares for you and has expressed his desire of you." Her father appeared genuinely hurt as he set the platter he had been holding down on one of the stone turrets.

"I have no care for him and as my father, I am sure you see how disgusted I am by his presence. The thought of his person alone causes my skin to crawl." Delilah thought back to her moments when General Gaul had caught her alone and the very idea of him being her husband and taking liberties reserved for ones husband made her gag.

"Many ladies find him handsome." Her father sputtered for a response.

"Handsome does not mean I will love him or that he will make a good match. I am sorry, Papa, but my answer is no." Delilah clenched her fists and spun away from him rushing down the side stairs in the wall that led to the outer courtyard.

Her father called out for her, but she ignored him as she flung off her shawl and scampered to the stables. Thrusting open Lancelot's stall, much to the large horses delight. Delilah grabbed a hold of her horses mane and jumped on his bare back. With a swift kick, he was off, galloping through the now opened gate doors and into the night.

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