Part 4

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It was hours later when Delilah decided to let Lancelot rest after pushing him so hard. Her legs were very sore from holding on so tight to his bare back. She was sure they would pop off her body. Delilah looked around and sighed in relief as she realized she hadn't gone that far from her home. To the left she could see where the rolling hills of the Field of Roses and to her right was the northern cliff village of Skiff. Delilah looked down at herself and grimaced at her appearance.

She had bare feet and a white nightdress on. Her hair fell down her back in wild tendrils. Delilah could hear her old nursemaid scolding her in the back of her mind for wearing such an inappropriate dress in public and at night of all things.

Delilah wasn't sure what she had been thinking when she raced off. Her father had probably sent many a men to look for her by now. Delilah shook her head in revulsion at the thought of General Gaul finding her this way. Just a few more minutes, Delilah thought.

Sliding off of Lancelot, Delilah walked along the path until she came to the edge of their continent. The cliffs below her looked ragged and sharp. If she fell, there would be pain. Gazing out over the sea made her feel calm. Her home was beautiful, peaceful, even in these dark times of turmoil. King David, the true and rightful ruler of their people had decimated the rebels that thought to have him dethroned over the years. Now he and his people needed to fight off the attacking barbarians. If they did indeed seek to take over their continent. Delilah's thoughts drifted to the conversation she had had with her father that night.

Delilah had never thought of what would happen if her father passed on. Many young ladies in the Court of Roses married young to ensure the continuation of their families name. Her father had never brought it up before. She had enjoyed her life as a Lord's daughter, riding, hunting and the occasional celebratory dance. She had met many a men over the years, but none she thought of as husband material.

Delilah had dreamed as a young girl that she would meet a man and fall in love with him as her parents had. Perhaps that was just a hoax and it didn't happen to all who dreamed of finding true love. Perhaps falling in love took time.

Delilah turned to check on Lancelot and gasped in fright at the sight of a man, no--not a man, a hulking beast of a man. He was petting Lancelot on the neck and seemed to be murmuring something to him. Her horse, while spirited and kind to her, never took to strangers this quickly.

The man's back was to her and his long brown hair was braided down his back. He was tall. Lancelot's head rested at his shoulder which was clothed in a wolf pelt cloak. Delilah recognized instantly who was before her as the man turned to face her. His icy blue eyes boring into her as if they had the power to push her from these cliffs.

He was still bare chested and his face still ruggedly handsome as it had been many days ago. Now that she was so close to the man that had haunted her dreams this past week, she could see the faint, white scars that ran up his arms and across his chest. Delilah's eyes widened in fear as she glimpsed the hilt of a large bladed sword at his hip.

Delilah's heart was racing and her eyes strayed around her surroundings and found no one that could help her fend off this barbarian. The village of Skiff was too far for her to run to and her home was at least a few hours ride away. To her right there were the beginnings of a dark forest, but she wasn't as familiar with the wilds of the woods as she was sure this barbarian was.

The barbarian stopped petting Lancelot and slowly sauntered towards her. His intent upon her obvious. His monstrous legs were now baring leather pants that seemed to mold to his strong legs. Her way of thinking made Delilah quiver but, she couldn't move. To her back were the cliffs and her death, but in front of her, could also be her death or worse as she remembered what Lord Greenwich warned. Women raped, children killed and men gutted.

Delilah raised up her hands as the man approached further, only a few feet away. Her voice wavered as she ordered. "Stay back."

The man stopped and Delilah was amazed. She hadn't realized the barbarians could understand them. All the stories she had heard told that these barbarians spoke like animals. When the man did as she asked Delilah reached down and picked up a nearby rock holding it in her hands as if it were a great weapon.

"Go away. Stay away from me and leave." her stuttering did nothing, but amuse this barbarian whose lips turned into a grin at her words.

Gritting her teeth, Delilah flung the rock at the barbarian only to shriek in fury when he caught it in his large hand. The barbarian looked at the rock in amusement before flinging it over the edge of the cliffs.

Grabbing another rock, this one smaller than the last, Delilah flung it at the man, only to have it soar over his head into a thick forest brush. Delilah exhaled and breathed heavily as the man cocked his head at Delilah in interest and Delilah blushed at his perusal of her.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Delilah realized she was in the presence of a barbarian in only her nightgown.

By the gods. Nanny is probably rolling in her grave right now.

"Go away. My father. He is a great man and he has an army. They will destroy you if you touch me." Lying had never proved easy for Delilah and she winced at the way her voice wavered in the night air.

She jumped in fright as the man lunged forward and pulled her to his chest flinging herself and his body away from the cliff in the direction of Lancelot, who was munching on grass, completely uninterested in his human's plight.

Delilah's heart stuttered before it began to pound in fear at being pressed against a barbarian's bare chest. And what a chest it was. Bare, with just a sprinkling of hair, the scars ran criss cross up his abdomen and across his pectorals until his broad shoulders became hidden under the wolf pelt cloak.

Delilah's mind screamed at her to struggle, to cry out, do anything that might help her break free of his control, but she found she couldn't. Her eyes were completely entranced in his icy blue ones and he in her green ones. It was if he was searching her very soul.

"Let me go." she demanded, hoping this time he would let her go, but he didn't. Instead he pulled her tighter to his chest, her small hands met his warm, bare chest with a thump.

His breath was warm as it fanned her face and Delilah felt her knees grow weak as he leaned his face down to meet hers. She thought he was going to kiss her, but instead his face molded into the crook of her neck. Tingles erupted from Delilah's neck and down spine as his lips brushed against her thudding pulse there.

A swift nip of his teeth at the base of her throat was enough to startle Delilah into reality. Summoning all her strength, Delilah swung up her knee and made contact with the apex between his legs. The man let out a muffled grunt and pushed her away, only to keel over in obvious pain as he cupped his pained area muttering a string of what sounded like curses.

Delilah grimaced at the painful sounds he was making. She wasn't one for violence and often excused herself from the dinner table when tales of war battles became too gruesome.

"I do apologize!" Delilah exclaimed quickly before rushing to Lancelot and climbing on.

Sparing the pained man one last look, Delilah gave her horse a swift quick and they propelled through the fields until they had reached the paths that led her back to the safety of her castle home.

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