Part 6

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A few days had passed and Delilah had devised a plan. Much to her maids disagreement.

"My lady, you shouldn't be doing this. The guards will stop you at the gates." Lily stood in front of Delilah's closed chamber door watching her young mistress pack a satchel.

"They will not even notice me, Lily. You know why I must do this. I can't marry that man, you've heard the stories of what is said about his character." Delilah knew she couldn't tell her maid her actual plan of escape and risk being caught. Sneaking a glance at the rope at the end of the bed, Delilah wilted at what she must do to secure her freedom.

"Could they be falsehoods? I am sure your father would not force you to marry that man unless he was a good and honorable man. He would not risk your happiness or that of the High Lordship." Lily's words rang true, but Delilah knew she must not succumb to the maids advice.

Delilah shook her head and threw another simple dress into her satchel before kneeling down to slip on her soft rabbit fur foot coverings. These would keep her warm during the cool nights ahead.

"He is not a good, honorable man. I have heard countless whispers of his brutality on the battlefield as well as in nearby village brothels. He is not a marrying man. I believe he is after my father's position as High Lord and only that. I am just a bonus as a vessel for his depraved, carnal urges."

Lily watched the young mistress walk to her wooden chest against the stone wall of her chambers and begin to rummage through it before pulling out a jewel hilted dagger. Lily's gut clenched in fear for her mistress. "My lady, please stop this. Perhaps if you spoke to your father about this..."

Delilah laughed, interrupting the maid. Delilah fingers the jeweled hilt of the dagger. It was given to her as a gift from King David after her first name day. Shaking her mind from the memories, Delilah tied the dagger to her waist belt. After making sure it was secure, Delilah walked back to her bed and took hold of the rope, quietly tieing one end to the bedpost.

"Father has been avoiding me these past few days and he has taken General Gaul with him on the traditional marriage hunt. Now is the time to make my escape before they return.Papa will understand why I had to leave. I will send letters once I am settled in my new home." Delilah thought mournfully about her father and prayed he would understand her reasoning. After tieing the rope tight to the bedpost, she held out her hand, "It is time, Lily."

The maid's eyes welled up and she shook her head. At my insistence, the maid stepped forward and held out her wrists. I tied them tight to the other end of the rope. "Someone will come looking for me and they will find you."

Grabbing a thick furred cloak and hiding the satchel underneath the cloak delilah faced her maid one last time. Delilah smiled, her bottom lip trembling as she glanced around her room that had been filled with childhood memories of laughter and love. "It will be okay Lily. I promise."

Lily shook her head, her eyes leaking a few tears, "You could be attacked again! What about the barbarians?"

Delilah reached up and touched the mark that still held its bruising. Lily had proceeded to cover it with powder every day so that others wouldn't see it and Delilah's thoughts drifted to the man that had haunted her dreams since that fateful night. She had hoped he was alright and that she hadn't hurt him too badly. The feelings he had instilled in her had caused great turmoil to manifest within her over the past few days.

Delilah smiled to herself. "That is why I have my dagger and Lancelot will be with me."

"My lady, please don't do this. I beseech you."

Delilah reached out and drew Lily in by the shoulders into a hug. "Thank you for everything Lily. I truly won't forget your friendship."

Lily sobbed and collapsed into the bed again as she watched Delilah scurry out of the room. Delilah kept her face down and crept down the steps of the servants hallway until she reached the front courtyard.

Delilah sighed in relief at the sight of the setting sun and made her way to the stables. The coming darkness would help shield her from the guards. Checking to make sure the coast was clear, Delilah hurried to unlock the padlocks of a few other horses before unlocking Lancelot.

Delilah rushed about and put his bridle and saddle on quickly before opening all of the other horses doors. Hooting and hollering, caused a few steads to go rushing out of the stables with renewed vigor. Delilah gave a final cry and others followed suit as she climbed up on Lancelot and raced out. The other horses raced around the courtyard and a few even knocked over wooden boxes filled with supplies.

Men and women were yelling and screaming at the commotion and Delilah was thankful when she was able to push Lancelot towards the gates without so much as a guard calling out to her amongst the commotion.

Delilah held on tightly to her reigns as Lancelot galloped up a nole of a hill and she slowed him to a halt. Taking one one last glance at her home and blowing it and her father a kiss, Delilah kicked Lancelot onward, down the darkened, wooden path.

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