The new girl

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There's a new girl in school and she looks at Chase and smiles and I look at Chase and he doesn't smile back.

I walk up to her.


"I can do what ever I want!! I can even go kiss him if I want!" I got so mad my face turned red and I pushed her and Chase comes up and gets in the middle of us.

"Stop it guys!" He screams at us and teachers look at us.


I punched her in the face and Chase held me back and we walked away. I was so mad he took me to the office and told them what happened and they didn't care they sent me back to class.

While we were walking to class he stoped me and hugged me.

"Aaleiah I will never cheat or hurt you I know I'm your first boyfriend. My family loves you and I love you Aaleiah!! I don't want anything to happen to you, to US I love you so much Aaleiah!" I smile and kiss him we stop and we hug each other and go to are classes.

At the end of the day I get on Chases bus and go to his house and his parents are home and his brother they were all happy and they all hug me..

They look at my hands.

"What happened Aaleiah? You have cuts on them!" Diamond says.

"I punched a girl in her face because she said she can kiss Chase." I got a little mad and I bawled my fists up and they all backed up.

"I-I-I'm sorry." I say bowing my head.

They came closer and they hugged me I started crying a little bit and Chase came over and kissed and hugged me.

"I-I was so mad at that girl I just couldn't help it!" I say.

"We all know that Aaleiah" She said.

Its 5:00pm and Chase's mom just dropped me off at my house she said call her if there is a problem and if I wanted her to come pick me up she gave me her number..
A couple hours later.

It was about 11:00pm and my mom and grandma got home and they were screaming at me and I text Chases mom and she came and picked me up and the boys were sleeping when we got to the house.

I fell asleep and woke up at 5:30am and took a shower I got a bowl of cereal and everyone else woke up and Mr Bacon, Chase and his brother didn't know I has here and they were so happy Mr Bacon and Chase's brother hugged me. Chase kissed me and hugged me....

I felt so calm in this house!

To be continued...

EDITED 1-27-2022

🤮🤮 This is garbage! It's old book from when I was 15 sooooo lmao

(REWRITING) The Boy ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora