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He was the thing that healed her that made her scars feel beautiful.

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10 Y E A R S A G O

"What the fuck, Tony?"

He snapped his head towards her, and stood up quickly trying to cover the crime he had committed.

Evelyn's eyes studied her childhood best friend, and she nearly slapped him once her eyes landed on the piece of plastic on the floor.

"You gotta be shitting me!" She snapped, sprinting after Tony who ran to her kitchen.

"Did you have sex on my couch?!" Evelyn was seething, and she couldn't believe that the asshole had the nerve to do that after she had opened her home to him.

"No!" He protested quickly as if the accusation stung him, "the leather sticks to my ass!"

She grabbed her kitchen's wooden spoons, and they spent a few minutes playing cat and mouse before she finally gave him a few bruises that weren't going to heal anytime soon.

2  Y E A R S  A G O

She didn't know how to feel.

She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but everything was there.

All the evidence pointed towards him, and she wasn't sure what to do.

It didn't make any sense to her, he had just asked her to move in with him a few days ago, and then he cheats?

"Evelyn, please don't do this to him," Pepper pleaded, as Evelyn walked past her into the mansion with a magazine in her hand.

"Evelyn please. He needs you, don't leave him," And Rhodey was in on it too, they were practically begging for her to stay.

"I just need to talk to him," they were surprised as to how calm and gentle her voice was, when it should be everything but.

"He's downstairs," Pepper muttered, not failing to show how confused she was.


After punching in the code, Evelyn walked straight towards his desk to find him lying there, head in his hands, a few bottles of Bourbon scattered around him.

He looked up, and she could swear that she had never seen him so vulnerable before.

So broken.

"I just...I didn't."

That was all she got out of him, before throwing the magazine on the desk right in front of his face.

"Well, that's me, and I am kissing her, and you're leaving me, and-"

"I want to hear it from you," Evelyn nodded, grabbing his hand in hers.

"What?" He barely even chocked it out from his surprise.

"Tell me the truth, and I'll believe you," she gave him a small smile, and he couldn't believe that she had said that.

Evelyn • Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now