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Fall as many times as it takes, fall.

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"I don't want an explanation, Tony. I didn't get one back then, and I certainly don't need one now."

Because she didn't.

She wanted to move on.

She wanted to forget it, all of it.

Everything she had with him.

Because looking back at the wounds they had caused each other hurt her, and she wasn't willing to risk anything at all anymore.

"I want you to get to know the new me." He shook his head stubbornly, forcing her to listen to him.

"Tony, I already know you..."

"Did you know that I suffer with anxiety attacks every once in a while, did you know that I almost died trying to protect people that I don't even know, did you know that the some subjects make me uneasy, and trigger strong and traumatic memories for me?"

That sure as hell got her quiet.

She ran his words through her brain, once, twice, and she gulped.

Anxiety attacks?

Almost died?

What the hell did he go through?

"Give me a chance to prove that I'm a changed man. Give me a chance to show you that I'm more than the man you left behind."

Striding towards her, he pushed the wet blonde hair out of her face, and he sighed, his eyes darting to every corner and every edge of her face.

"I don't think this is a good idea. Things happen for a reason, and maybe our fallout was a good thing. Maybe just maybe we weren't meant to be. I don't understand what you're trying to do, but I need you to go." She gulped, not handling the fact that he was too close to her.

"I am trying to save what we had!"

He was desperate.

He wanted her.

He wanted her to take him back because he couldn't so much breathe without her next to him.

"There is nothing left to save! We destroyed everything. We ruined everything, and there is is nothing left for us. There is no us."

"Then let's fix it. Let me fix it. You know that's what I'm good at. I'm good at tinkering, that's what I do. I fix things. We'll figure something out, Vee. Just please."

"I can't." She refused, and he growled.

"Just give me reason." He snapped, his hard breathing hitting her neck, scattering goosebumps.

"I don't think we're mean-"

"And, don't give me the 'meant to be' bullshit. The real reason. Please." He calmed himself down, and watched her sigh in sadness.

"I don't want you to hurt me. I don't want to repeat our same mistakes."

"Then don't. You and me, we're fucked up. We both know that, but I'm willing to try if you are." He nodded, and her eyes softened for a bit.

"It's not that...you don't understand, you don't get it. All I ever wanted was for you to be mine, but as we went through our tortuous relationship, I realised I didn't want you to be mine anymore Tony, I wanted to be yours."

"And I never got that from you because as soon as things got rough you went to find someone else, you were willing to throw away what we had for one night with her-"

"No." He interrupted her quickly, pushing flat against the wall, trying to to look at her body, by locking eyes with her.

"And I know I'm not exactly the greatest person in the world, but even I know I'm worth more than that. I deserve better than that." She continued, and he nodded agreeing with her.

She did deserve better.

But he was going to try.

He was going to try and better himself because he wanted to be enough for her.

"I understand you, I do. But I always wanted you, she meant absolutely nothing." He tried to convince, yet she just smiled pathetically, clearly the conversation was hurting her, he knew that.

"I'll bet that you don't even know her name." Evelyn smiled, a sad smile because that was all she could give him.

He had hurt her to no end, and she wasn't sure if she would ever give him her trust again.

"Jane Carson." He whispered, and Evelyn frowned, unable to believe that he had actually managed to know her name.

"Yeah well, guess I had to know the name of the woman whom I ruined my relationship with. Whom I ruined my life with."

Evelyn smile, and rested her head on his chest, noticing that his heart was beating equally as fast as hers.

"I want you, I want you and everything that comes with you. We'll wait. We'll wait, and if you still don't see yourself with me anymore, I'll....I'll...I'll let you go."

Evelyn • Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now