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As I sat and looked at her and the rolling hills she sat upon I thought, what amazing luck I have that
the world had created such beautiful things and given
me the eyes to see

• • •

Scowling all the way to the kitchen shirtless, Tony Stark tried to ignore the doubts his mind kept throwing at him, but it was weighing him down.

They were screwing with his emotions, and he didn't like it.

They hadn't been there this morning, only when he rolled over and found his bed empty did they start bubbling up.

Ignoring Natasha's teasing grin, he slammed the fridge door open, looking for something to eat.

"Something on your mind, Stark?" She smirked, and he wondered what the hell was so amusing to her.

It was pretty obvious that he was restless and agitated, there was no need to strengthen his emotions.

"Coffee?" She smiled, handing him her own cup.

He shook his head as he looked at it.

She frowned and looked down at it.

"Why not?" She asked, and right in that second someone else stepped inside the kitchen.

"He drinks it black." Evelyn shot him a wink, sliding his coffee mug all over the counter into his direction, where it stopped almost right in front of him.

"Morning trash can." She smiled, drinking her own coffee, shooting Nat a mischievous smile.

Tony observed her, unsure if he was hallucinating, and imagining her there.

She had started a conversation with Nat about lipstick, and yet still, he kept his eyes on her.

Standing up, she leaned over and grabbed a plate stacked with pancakes, and when she set it down in the middle of the kitchen table, the billionaire blinked.

Natasha burst out laughing, his dumbfounded expression a sight to see.

Evelyn smiled at him, she too, enjoying his shock.

"I thought you...When I didn't find you, I thought that you..." he stumbled over his words, gripping the mug roughly.

Surely enough, she was right in front of him, serving pancakes to the red headed spy.

"Pancakes?" She raised an eyebrow and he nodded slowly.


Jeez, couldn't she have made waffles or something.

Not that he didn't like pancakes, it's just that it reminded him of times he wanted to forget.

Her smile never faltered as she stacked a few pancakes on what he assumed was his plate, and then she motioned him to come sit next to her.

Steve and Banner strolled into the kitchen when they found breakfast.

Usually they lived off of cereal, or take out.

Evelyn • Tony StarkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя