Chapter Fifty Three

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"Miss, are Han princesses crazy or just plain stupid?" Xiao Yu cringed her face in disgust.

"Xiao Yu, your words. We are in the imperial palace." I warned her.

But I agree.

That Princess Lu Se is one special nutcase.

After Princess Lu Se came to tell me her nonsense, she left with a 'victorious smile' and a good mood. As for me, I was left stunned and well, not in a very good mood.

"Miss, that Princess can't just marry into the Chen Manor just because she wants to. She needs to have an imperial edict or have prince Chen Mu propose to her. And if she does marry into the Chen Manor, she can't get rid of you that easily either. You're the first wife." Xiao Yu ranted.

And not only that, Princess Lu Si is acting out of place. Did she forget that she was in my territory and she's just an unwanted guest? She's standing in our land, breathing our own air, how dare she?

I sipped on my cup of tea and let out a sigh, "Any news about Prince Chen Mu?"

"Nothing miss. But I have another news."

I laid my cup on top of the table and looked at Xiao Yu, "What is it?"

"Miss, there are rumors going around."


"Miss, someone has been spreading that you don't want the First Prince to take another wife because you're jealous." Xiao Yu

Why do I feel like I know who this 'someone' is?

"Miss, please don't worry too much. It would be bad for your baby." Xiao Yu comforted me.

"You're the one who's worrying to much." I patted Xiao Yu's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Miss, what should we do?"

"Let them talk."

"But Miss, what if they use those rumors against you? Jealousy is one of the grounds of divorce." Xiao Yu worriedly stare at me.

"They can't do anything to me."

Those people spreading rumors can't do anything to devoid my marriage to Chen Mu. Only Chen Mu can divorce me as he is my husband, and as the husband, he's the one who is going to decide whether I am a jealous woman or not.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"No more, Miss." Xiao Yu shook her head.

"Then let me rest for a while."

"Okay Miss. Call me when you need anything." Xiai Yu said and exited my room.

Its only past noon and I already have nothing to do. The books that were sent to my quarters are all historical records. I would have preferred it if it was romance fiction. I can't go out of my quarters either. Being "pregnant" was limiting and restricting my activities. I feel like if I lay down on my bed once again, my bones will turn soft as mallows.

"Should I try and sneak out?" I muttered to myself.

I heard a light tap.

"Is that a no?" I gazed my eyes on the entirety of the room, looking for a presence or at least, a shadow.

Another tap.

Shadow guards.

"So what about this?" I grinned in glee, "If the answer is yes, tap once. If the answer is no, tap twice. Okay?"

One tap.

So yes.

"Since you don't want me to sneak out, then accompany me here. I'll ask questions and all you have to do is tap." My voice echoed around the round, but not loud enough to be heard from the outside.

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