Chapter 56.1, Breaking bones

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A/N: Warning - short chapter, because, well, it's Xavier

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A/N: Warning - short chapter, because, well, it's Xavier. Oh, and while I'm here! Pleaseeeee VOTE and COMMENT and FOLLOW me! Love y'all!

My new recruits are all blocking the door and with my deadly promise, there really isn't any hope left among the East and West

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My new recruits are all blocking the door and with my deadly promise, there really isn't any hope left among the East and West. Good. I need them on their knees.

Owen Rhodes steps up, pretending not to be shitting himself when he says: "We have to finish our fight. We already made a deal."

I let some annoyance show at that, because he's right. We can't go back on our word. Amber Marigold was so close to saying yes and then these two idiots just had to ruin everything. But alas, I have a fight to finish. It's not like I'll lose. I've been toying with the boy in anyway.

"Fair enough," I eventually say and position myself all over again - this time chucking the red tie away and opening up the first two buttons of my shirt. My sleeves are still rolled up. Owen Rhodes and Blake Bowmen exchange a few hushed words - probably about how the hell they can beat me in combat. While the boys are doing their thing, I send Amber Marigold some 'we're going to marry' eyes.

I almost laugh out loud when she literally looks like she's going to puke.

Then again, Amber Marigold has to remember how close she was to saying yes...

"A good-luck kiss?" Owen Rhodes asks Amber Marigold when he's beside her. I pretend to be looking at my men - not listening in on the two's conversation. These kids are yet to learn how good I am at listening.

"No," Amber Marigold answers and I feel a satisfied grin spread across my features in anyway.

"But wouldn't it piss off Xavier so much?" Owen laughs in a whisper and shakes out his arms - getting ready to go up against me again.

"Exactly, Owen. Xavier would beat the shit out of you," Amber Marigold points out before adding: "Maybe I should kiss Xavier? It might turn you into hulk."

I really try keeping in the snort.

"Don't you ever dare to do that," Owen says and steps away, towards me. I look back at the boy - a wild grin on my face when I think about how little chance this boy actually stands against me. He might be a boxer, but he doesn't have the years or experience I have. Neither the endurance I had to master.

My men all step into the room, leaving the door only slightly open, but the West and East are too stupid, too fixated on the fight that's to come, to make a break for it. Idiots.

"You ready?" I ask the boy.

"Of course,"Owen Rhodes answers.

I attack.

He is not ready.

Immediately, I go for a dummy upper cut that the boy falls for, before going low with a turning kick. He avoids the kick in a nick of time and I don't give him any room to find his balance again as I elbow strike for his face and then jab at his side. Missing the elbow strike means getting the jab right between his ribs.

I have to admit that I'm still a little sore from when Amber Marigold was fighting me - obviously years and years of training to be the Sterling heir did that for her. It's a miracle I could disarm her to be honest. Luck was all I had for that.

Sweat is already trickling down Owen's brow when he tries his best to sneak in a punches through my defenses. I let him try. Let him tire himself out while I think about the best way to win this fight. I could always get up behind the boy and snap his neck, but that might complicate things if I want to marry Amber Marigold. She seems to have grown a little more fond of the boys since the last time we met.

Desperate, Owen Rhodes throws a few sloppy punches, which I block with ease. His hits are becoming more brute force and less tactical. It's annoying because it's starting to tire my upper arms out to be honest.

The boy sends a surprise kick - which I have to avoid by going low. When he turns in the kick, I already know he'll have another following. Instead of jumping up to avoid it, I suck in a breath and catch his leg. Immediately, I come back up and have Owen Rhodes flipped onto is back. I keep his leg in a tight grip and twist.

He lets out a yell of pain, but when I look up to see Amber Marigold's reaction, she's gone. Along with Blake Bowmen.

So, the golden girl decided to leave her boxer.

Anger rises up inside like a wildfire and I can't think straight. I twist even harder. The snap of bone follows before I let go of Owen Rhodes' leg.

"My leg! You broke my fucking leg!" Owen Rhodes yells out.

"Your friends have left you," I say - referring to Blake and Amber. Not the rest of the West and East's inner-gangs that are still in shock after watching the fight.

I walk out of the room and spot Amber Marigold and Blake Bowmen at the end of the hallway. Camila and BD are blocking their escape with punches and kicks and everything the two were taught. Excellent.

"I won the fight. The West and East has to surrender now," I yell down the hallways while taking long strides to get to the scene. The fight immediately stops and I hear my Northern recruits and the rest of the West and East's inner-gangs follow.

Blake Bowmen looks torn at the situation while Amber Marigold turns to give me a hard stare. She's not gold like a dress or a wedding ring in this moment. She's gold like the hilt of a sword. And very much capable of wielding my death.

"Good thing I'm not East or West," Amber Marigold says.

Now this fight, I'm going to enjoy.

Now this fight, I'm going to enjoy

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Hey Goldies!

Sorry for the late update, but even though this chapter was short, it was hard, because it was the only one I didn't officially have planned out. Next chapters are going to be much better, because we'll have our finale's.


Hope y'all enjoy your day/night and don't be afraid to PM me for any questions! I'm human just like you! Love y'all!

~ Holly Shmit

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