Some of u asked soooo.....

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U can already guess what this is about.
Ever since I said me and my 4 friends do our own Pokémon series on YouTube, some, well, 75% of u wanted more AMV'a of the main characters. Here it goes :/

Jay x Polatica (a.k.a, Pola)

Ash x Serena:

Alergera x Tris (I am Tris :)

Uhhhhhh, yeah, that's the main characters!
I'll explain the story:

Jay x Polatica because both their families have physically abused them and no one listens to them until they met each other one day at school.

Ash x Serena because this song is put on when all 4 of us go to the high school disco!

Tris x Alergera because we are both huge physopath killers secretly and both turn opposite colors. Hehehehehe I stitch up my cheeks, and Alergera cut his wrists until they were hanging on a thin piece of flesh, because we both lost our sanity.
My killer name is Stitches.
His is Puzzler. (Idkw he is called this... huh, he chose it....)

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