Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend

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**Hey ya'll, so I'm an idiot and in the heat of the moment of my inspiration, I totally forgot I hadn't written about Tanner proposing to Tansy yet. Here's a little blurb of that scene! This takes place on the morning of the same day as the most recent update!!


Tansy's POV

I awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and the very distinct smell of maple syrup - my current food obsession. Rolling onto my back and sitting up, I immediately smiled before I spotted Calla comically telling Tanner to shhh! as he carried the tray of food in before he woke me up and ruined the surprise. I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep as to not ruin all of her fun.

I felt the bed dip the slightest bit as she began to crawl on with a little difficulty. When she was inches away from me and I could feel her breath ghost over my face, I struggled to maintain my composure and not smile.

"Mommy," she whispered softly, "wake up". I kept still for a few more moments, just to really sell the I'm still sleeping act.

"Mommy!" Calla said again, though much louder and while simultaneously patting my cheek. I could hear Tanner chuckle as I fluttered my eyes open and gave her a fake disoriented look.

"Hi, baby," I mumbled, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"I made you breakfast in bed!" She exclaimed excitedly before leaning forward and pecking my lips.

"You made breakfast in bed?" Tanner hollered in mock outrage.

"Yes," Calla stated with determination before shooting Tanner a serious look. I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from my chest as I sat up and pulled Calla to rest between my legs and against my chest. "And I drew you a picture too," she said, buzzing with happiness. It was then that I noticed the folded piece of paper - which was pretty crinkled - in her hand.

"Can I see, honey?" I asked while reaching for it. She immediately held the picture against her chest, guarding it with her life.

"Not until you finish breakfast!" She ordered before beckoning Tanner forward with the wave of her hand. He and I chuckled at the action before he came and placed the tray above both Calla and I's laps. He kissed my lips before pulling away and moving to sit on the bed as well.

I listened to a story about Calla's imaginary friend while we ate, sharing my breakfast with both Tanner and Calla as per usual. Apparently, my food always tasted better than theirs did. When I only had a single bite of my pancakes left, Calla rushed the fork into my mouth.

"What is the rush?" I asked with a laugh while chewing my food. Tanner got up and placed the tray out of the way before rejoining Calla and I.

"Do I get to see my picture now?" I asked Calla. She nodded quickly before unfolding it and holding it out for me to see. I peered over her shoulder and took in the crayon masterpiece. It was a picture of Tanner, Calla, and I at the park if the swing set and the bench was anything to go by. There were trees and flowers all over. It really was exquisite for her age.

"It's beautiful baby, but what's this?" I asked, pointed to the massive blue lump next to my hand. I thought it was a frisbee at first, but I didn't want to insult her work.

"That's your ring, mommy." She explained like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"My ring?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes. Your ring." Tanner cut in. I looked up, my breath catching in my throat as my chest tightened with the onslaught of tears as I stared at the beautiful engagement ring he had resting in a velvet box.

"Tansy, the last few weeks have been the best of my life. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, nor would I ever want to. Calla and I would be utterly lost without you. Will you marry me?" He murmured, a happy smile beginning to take over his face.

"Yes!" Calla yelled, not waiting for me to answer. I released a half-laugh half-sob before nodding, unable to get the words out. Tanner's smile grew as he took my shaking hand with his steady, sure ones and slipped the ring on my ring finger. I examined the intricate design as it sparkled in the light spilling in through the open curtain.

"It's so beautiful," I cried before leaning forward to kiss Tanner deeply. Calla screamed so loud I winced, but I couldn't help but share her feelings.

Everything was just falling right into place. 

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