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菊花 means Chrysanthemum

Loveliness and Cheerfulness, Cheerfulness in Adversity


They arrived at he all-too-familiar Jingwei Sect stood proudly in front of Kuan-Yin like a mountain that domain over the are which it stood. However, whilst Kuan-Yin was basking in its glory. The sect security guards which had been stationed in front of the sect's gates stopped Kuan-Yin in her tracks. "Halt! Outsiders aren't permitted beyond these gates!" Kun was already irked by the sect leader but this was taking pissed at her mood. But, she realised that she had been transmigrated and they didn't recognise her. Not like they could she had a new identity and body.

Despite this Kuan-Yin took up a confident stance, "Authority number 001: Daiyu." The security recognised this authority number as they knew one digit code names were people with high position within the sect. But no one knows of one digit code names as they were a secret concept within the sect. Only the single digits, security and sect leader know of this secret. They were entirely confused as the identity and number did not match up but the security guards allowed her entrance to the sect. After that incident Kuan-Yin walked straight into the Sect knowing the exact format of the place like the back of her hand. Susu followed her mistress into the Sect and 036 followed in shock.

Kuan-Yin stormed into the Sect and straight into the Sect Leaders room where the stupid idiot that stole her work otherwise known as the Sect Leader was counselling with other members. "Jiangsu you stupid idiot! You have the guts to steal my work." He was about to go to nap but was startled by the sudden loud voice.

Jiangsu jumped up from his bed, "What!" He was confused and sleep-deprived due to the workload of the Sect problems rising from the bed. "Who are you?" He tied his hair up in an effort to look presentable in front of a guest. But, this guest was not on the agenda for today so he didn't know they were but he saw 036 was there so he though that he bought them here.

However, the girl rushed over to him as if he had debts that owed to her, "It's 001: Diayu you stupid idiot." Kuan-Yin stood in front of the giant man. That certainly woke him straight up, he backed up immediately upon the name and code. He rushed over as he went to examine the supposedly Daiyu waiting for her to change out of her disguise but she didn't make a move to.

He stood there flabbergasted, "How? I thought you died!" Jiangsu walked up to the girl that had a slightly resembled his friend Lian Daiyu. The girl trembled in anger at the fact he wasn't explaining himself but instead asking her questions. It should be him explaining himself to her not the other way around, pissed beyond compare she stepped on the man's foot with her heel. 

The man yelped in pain as went to crouch to hold his foot, "Explain to me first then I will tell." She pushed the abnormally tall man down on the floor so it wouldn't stain her neck to talk.

He sighed in depression at this weapon was a last resort on their sleeves, "When you died the rival sects who had heard about it. The war between the sect lasted for 3 days and 2 nights so our members and we were exhausted," Though it a last ditch attempt of survival it worked like miracle, "We were ambushed, exhausted, outnumbered and we were starting to lost hope. The runic sword you had to create was powerful and was the only thing that was powerful enough so we wouldn't be slaughtered." It was so powerful that it managed to turned the tides to their favour and they were able to fend the attackers off.

Kuan-Yin grabbed his shoulder and a shiver went up to his spine, "That runic sword was a prototype and it would have killed you along with your sect but thankfully it didn't" Kuan-Yin paced back and forth as she went through the blueprint in her mind, "The runic sword was missing a material that is scarcely around, but before I died I found where I could get my hands on." She huffed out a sigh thinking of the location of the mine where material was that she was trying to excavate before she died.

Jiangsu's mind began to race as he knew that it was a bad move but it was the only move they had left, "Now that they saw how powerful the runic sword is, they are trying to replicate it." He panicked at his lack of thought of consequences. But, what was done was done there was nothing they could do.

Kuan-Yin released another sigh before stopping in front of Jiangsu, "I already thought of that beforehand, that way only I know how to make it." Kuan-Yin was in hopes for Jiangsu to gain a favour, "Where is Jingwei?" Questioning where they long time friend was currently doing.

He explains the absences of the Jingwei sect symbol. "She is close to a breakthrough and is behind closed door cultivation right now." Then the entire sect shook as he finished his sentence to Kuan-Yin. Susu held onto 036 for dear life as she was scared of the sudden earthquake, but the other three knew that it wasn't an earthquake but rather the Sect's symbol finally going into the next rank Dou Saint Bronze.

A girl with vibrant red hair with vibrant red eyes wore a white dress with intricate designs which showed a lot of skin. Three white feathers were adorned on her head along with golden bracelets with a blue gem embedded in it that was on her wrist, thighs and ankles. Her back had the sect symbol on her back, her birthmark. The girl was overwhelmingly strong, walking into the room with silent steps with her bare feet. "Jiangsu! Where is Daiyu?" she stood proudly looking for Daiyu but only saw him and an unknown person in the office.

Jiangsu pinched the bridge of his nose, "Jingwei you should be able to sense her soul, and she is standing in front of me." Jingwei looked over to Kuan-Yin who was standing in front of the Sect master and she looked at her, smiling. Kuan-Yin walked over to Jingwei, "It's been a while hasn't it?" Jingwei rushed over to Kuan-Yin at full speed.

Jingwei hugged the short girl which stood in front of her and cried her eyes out, "When your soul disappeared from this world I thought you would be gone forever!" She sniffed and an angry face replace the tear-stained face, "Who killed you?" She converted to the Phoenix form she originally was, flapping her wings hysterically wanting answers at that instant.

Kuan-Yin grabbed the bird and held Jingwei in her embrace, instantly calming the hysterical bird that was fuming over Kuan-Yin. "Not now, currently I need to get materials, get through my bottleneck and get my guzheng back. And I will need your help." Kuan-Yin bowed towards the old friends showing her desperate need for help.

Jiangsu helped Kuan-Yin, "Of course we will help." Both Jiangsu and Jingwei agreed simultaneously. Kuan-Yin smiled at the answers as if was she was waiting for it.

Thus, Kuan-Yin began reciting the task that needed to be done, "Jiangsu I want you to get the materials for the runic sword, I will provide the list. Jingwei I need you to help me retrieve the Guzheng because we need to travel fast. Susu I need you to practice alchemy and medicine so we can open a shop." Kuan-Yin turned to 036 seeing as he was reliable enough, "Jiangsu can I have 036 as one of my subordinates?" Then she smiled as she knew what she wanted from him.

Jiangsu looked at 036, "Sure you can but it's up to him." 035's eye show resolve to comply to his new master.

Everyone looked at 036 who already wanted to repay his debt to her, "Code 036 is at your service Mistress." 036 kneel on one knee to show his respect to his new Master.

Smiling she bought him to his feet, "I need to have a name for you," Kuan-Yin pondered on the variety of names that popped in her head, "Calling you 036 will be strange when we are in public."

A smile was etched onto her face, "Fan. That will be your name." Kuan-Yin placed her hand on his shoulders, "You will responsible for Intel, stealth and infiltration." The Fan saluted to his new master ready to take on his new responsibilities. Kuan-Yin was set with the help of her new circle of support and that was needed was making this body suitable for combat.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Where stories live. Discover now