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月光白 or 月光美人 (Moonlight Beauty) is Moonlight White Tea. The tea leaves and young buds are covered with white down. The back of the leaves turn dark when they're wilted, resembling 'white moonlight' during the night, hence another explanation the name. The fragrance of the dry tea leaves is fresh and the infusion tastes smooth, sweet and soft. The aroma and texture of this tea reminds one of an aged white tea. Because aged white teas are more popular in China than fresh white teas, the Moonlight White is also often classified as a white tea.


Everyone was drinking in celebration of conquering a province of the North Fa Continent. The person that was put in charge of Ah Ling Province was a kind man who was in his early thirties that despised the previous province lord. Chen, Master Zhong and Kuan-Bai went to check on Kuan-Yin's progress with the plant. They saw the terrible condition she was in, they saw her sprawled across the floor, sweating and had high temperature.

"YIN'ER!" Everyone shouted in panic and terror.

Chen ran to her in a panic, lightly shaking her to wake her up but was futile. Master Zhong checked her pulse to check whether she was in danger, "She isn't in any danger but her body is in a state of shock from the overwhelming power, but we will still need to keep an eye on her, " Master Zhong stroked his chin, "We need to keep her cool, " Master Zhong place a wet towel on her head to keep the heat under control so that her brain wouldn't be damaged. Chen released his Frost physique to surround his body so that he could keep her temperature in check, Kuan-Yin's instinctively curled up against him to relieve her from the pain of the heat. Night soon came and everyone left to go home, while Chen continue to relieve Kuan-Yin's pain.

Kuan-Yin felt so much better after being cooled from Chen's Frost Physique but the pain was still there. Kuan-Yin opened her lids, to see Chen was starting at her with worry. "Yin'er are you comfortable? Are you in pain?" His quiet low voice was soothing to Kuan-Yin's ears.

Kuan-Yin couldn't move her body too much, "I'm in less pain now that you are cooling me down, " Kuan-Yin's body was burning from the flower and she was frustrated that she hadn't trained this body enough to cope with the overwhelming amount of power from her other body. She felt like she was a burden to the people around her, especially to the people who she cared about. That why she was a lone cultivator that travel the world for find answers to her questions and to find herself, "I'm sorry... I'm probably a burden to you, you can go home, " Kuan-Yin turned her back towards Chen and hoped that he would leave but he didn't leave at all.

"Why would you be a burden, you are the most caring, the most kindness and benevolent woman I have ever met," Chen wrapped his strong arms around Kuan-Yin, "I rather be with my soon to be wife, " Chen sniffed her scent in, various sweet herbs wafted gently soothed Chen as they were her scent. That moved Kuan-Yin so much that it bought tears to her eyes, hot tears came running down her cheeks instantly wetting the pillow. Her voice cracked hoarsely as her tears constantly fell, Chen just laid there and continued to hug her and rub her back in an effort to comfort her.

As soon as she had finished crying she looked exhausted and drained. Chen smoothed her head, "Sleep you will need it, " the soothing hand of Chen slowly lulled her to sleep eventually she was a completely deep sleep. Chen continued to soothe Kuan-Yin as her breathing become slower and deeper, his thought why she thought that she was a burden to him even though she had done everything herself even without his help. He fell asleep also without realising.

Master Zhong watch the pair fall to sleep, smiling in contentment, proud that his grandson is able to treat Kuan-Yin with love and affectionate. He had seen Kuan-Yin at one of her darkest time, one day Master Zhong met her, she was drench in her own blood unable to escape from what she was being chased from, her demons. When he had taken her under his wing and she had been taken care of physically. She would stare out of the window in a daze from morning to night, her eyes were dull from shock and trauma. Her eyes were like an unpolished mirror that you couldn't see your reflection, tears would occasionally fall but she wouldn't wipe them. It was like she was a broken doll, she wouldn't move unless she was told to, she wouldn't eat unless she was told or fed the food.

After a long period of recovery she. was able to recover her mental state to a minimal level. But, occasionally she would sit silently staring outside her window for the whole day. On the battlefield, she would slaughter her enemies, sparing the young children and give them a chance to live with her in her organisation. Taking children from houses both wealthy or poor who suffer from their family both mentally and physical, as she didn't want to see young children suffer as she did. She would put a facade on to convince people that she was okay but in reality she was broken. Eventually, she met Jiangsu and Jingwei, it was a beginning of her emotional and mental recovery. Her true personality started to show with the help of the two people and Kuan-Yin asked help from me for studying martial and alchemy. She soon excelled all subjects and martial arts, soon achieving the number one rank of cultivators. Ultimately, she died at the hands of fellow cultivators who were jealous of her power and wealth.

I was able to finally relax that she was about to find someone to love. I walked out of the room to the water pavilion where Jiangsu was sitting at the table with a jar of wine. We sat together reminiscing about the past while sipping wine.


A/ N: Sorry it's a little short I have been busy with school so updates will be a lot slower, but I will still be updating in my spare time if time allows me to.

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