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Festive celebrations mood was going full blast with the loud were food stalls trying to lure customers, festival limited food, games and the parade late at night. Many flirtatious ladies practical threw themselves onto a newcomer who was roaming the streets, his physique was firm and strong like many cultivators however his tight clothes emphasised his muscle driving the women mad with lust both married and unmarried.

They flocked to him like moths attracted to light which in this case was the attractive male was the light of muscularity and sexiness. Being engulfed by the swarm of women, his patience was running thin, "Begone!" His loud voice boomed across the sea of women immediately pushing them away using his cultivation power. He expected them to scurry off away in fear by offending him, however, the exact opposite happens, the women were far more attracted to him than before due to his manliness.

Overwhelmed by the squealing gaggle of women he began frustrating going through the gaggle of women and jumped to the roof as a means of escape. Women were such a nuisance to him and also crowd around him like moths. Upon leisurely walking on the roomed looking at any food that appealed to him, "Uncle two Barbecue Spiced Duck please?"

"That will be 12 copper coins, sir!" The joyful man handed the two spiced duck and in return,  he paid the man.

Walking away from the busy line, he wandered aimlessly hoping for something interesting to catch his eyes. The wailing of a child rung out loudly catching the attention of many bystanders, "MAMA! WHY YOU LEAVE ME! WAAAAA!!" No one was willing to help the wailing child because it was troublesome especially during a festive holiday. He sighed and decided to help the helpless child however someone else beat him to it.

"Little one, don't cry," the young woman with a willowy figure with white silk hair that flowed in the wind like smoke wiping the crying child's eyes, "I'll help you find your mom," she gave the child a smile that seems to take your breath away. The child nodded and took the hand of the beautiful maiden, careful in his action he tried not to dirty her clothes.

The man who witnessed this woman's action of kindness he knew that she was his. In order to protect the woman, he followed in the shadow not allowing her to notice his presence. Many men had also seen the woman and they were star struck by the beautiful woman who had a kind heart, however, they knew that she was a traveller and decided not to pursue her. But, that didn't stop the wealthy suitors that were looking for a beautiful wife.

As the crowd began dispersing as they walked the woman, she sensed something was off, "Child what does your mother look like?" She hadn't realised she had forgotten to ask the child.

"She is tall, black hair with a big scar on her face but she is still beautiful," the child gleefully grinned at the beautiful traveller that willing helped him. The boy guided the woman everywhere until they when to they come to a more seclusive area where no homes were in sight. The man in the shadows bore his eyes in the little child suspecting him to be trouble.

"Miss! Thank you for helping me find my mother!" The child ran to his mother who unfortunately didn't respond to him at first. She slowly turned around to meet her son and she went down to kiss his forehead to only bite down on her own son's shoulder. "WAHH!! MAMA WHY YOU BITE ME!! IT HURTS!!" his shill screams shock alarms of danger to anyone who hurt the scream.

The woman summoned her guzheng out of her spatial ring preparing for battle. Looking for certain distinctions on her body look for evidence of any sort of possession. "Reveal yourself," her voice commanded.

"Ohhh.... A fresh young virgin woman," the possessed woman smiled her limbs twitched unnaturally, "It has been a while since I have had your type." Licking its lips the demonic spirit imagined the fresh, warm but delicious flesh that she desired for so long.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Where stories live. Discover now