Chapter Nineteen: Sneaky Female Dog.

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*Harry's Point Of View*

"BECAUSE I AM UTTERLY IN LOVE WITH HER.  THAT'S WHY!" I yelled back into the phone.  I got up from where I was sitting and left the crowded room.  I didn't want to listen to Simon's stupid response.  Honestly, I didn't care what it was going to be.  El and my kids are coming with me, no if ands or buts.  Plus, I know the guys wont ever let those three leave again.  And I know that Niall has to ask Simon if Jean is allowed to come too, so that adds four more people to our family.  A  addition that I know everyone is excited and happy about.

To cool down, I walked into the nursery where I saw Aliv intently watching her little brother.  That little girl has more intelligence in one part of her brain that Lou and Liam combined.  At two years old she could probably tell you more about life than any Buddhist monk.  Well, maybe I am exaggerating.. yeah I'm exaggerating.  

I stopped at the door frame and watched the scene.  "Shhh, go back to sleep Eli its just me Aliv.  You know, your sister?"  She spoke to him as started to stir.  "Here use my kitty cat to sleep."  Aliv placed the orange stuffed cat I gave her a couple days ago in the crib.  "Did you know daddy gave it to me?  I love him so much and I am pretty sure you will love him as much as me."

"You are doing a great job there Allipop,"  I told her as I continued walking into the room.

"Dadddy!"  She yelled as she ran over to me with those little legs.  I scooped her up and swung her around and around.  "Weee! Super Aliv to the rescue!"  She giggled.

"Wanna play with your Lego's?"  I asked her as I set her down gently.

She nodded her head vigorously, "Can you play with me?"

"Of course kiddo."  She grabbed my hand over to the the hotel bed in the room where her Lego's were scattered, literally, everywhere.  I laughed as I started making one huge pile.  For a very organized child, she really made a mess of this.  Well, it could have been Niall or Lou.. Who knows.

"Can we make a castle?"  Aliv asked putting the Lego's together.

"Anything for you princess."

"That's what Uncle Niall calls Aunty Jeany."  She bubbled.  I just nodded smiling.  Seeing Niall and Jean together makes me jealous.  When the way they acted together was like they knew each other for years.  I wish I could experience that with Elexandra.  Yes, I do love her.  I feel it in my heart.. I just.. I just don't know why?  I guess it is because I can't remember a thing about her.  The doctors think that me making small breakthroughs is the best thing in the world.  Honestly, I think I am making know progress.  The boys tried showing me pictures of all the memories we made when El was around.  The best picture was us around the big dining room table with El having cake all over her face.  Liam told me it was her birthday and that Lou and Eleanor shoved her face into the cake.  That's when I remembered that her birthday is October 8th.  Which is actually in about three weeks, since today is September 20th.  Oh and Jean's is September 27th, it's all Niall is talking about.

"UNCLE BOO!"  Aliv yelled as she started laughing, which brought me out of my thoughts.  I looked up to see Louis tickling her to death.  After a few minutes and a now crying Eli he stopped.  I hopped off the bed and picked him up trying to get him to stop crying.

"Aliv, mummy wants you to go pack your bags for Grandma's house!"  

"Okay, Daddy thank you for playing with me!"  She said running out of the room.

"Simon said they can't come.  Not even Jean, Niall's devastated."  Lou whispered.

"I don't care what Simon says.  They are coming or I'm not going with you guys."  I sat on the bed with my Eli in my arms.

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