6. "you're so fucking hot"

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*inappropriate content warning*

"But that top. Just wow."

"Stop it." I try to act coy, but in reality, I want more.

"You look amazing." He continues and I try not to blush as I feel his eyes piercing my skin, running all over my body. The smug look on his face is tempting, as always. 

"Hey, you're underage." He notices the bottle I'm still holding in my hand and before I could even think, he swipes it. "Wow, thanks dad, so is everyone else here." I quip. The perfect dimples in his cheeks are revealed as he smiles. Our laughs fill the silence of the empty kitchen.

I grab another bottle and try to carry on with the task at hand, which is making Cam a drink. Though I now realize that it may have just been a distraction to get me to find Sawyer. I inspect a clear bottle of opened Smirnoff and try to figure out what to do with it.

Sawyer notices my struggling and chuckles to himself. "Here let me," he gently takes the bottle from my hand since I'm clearly inexperienced with making drinks. "I happen to know a thing or two about drinking," he says proudly. "I've been to a few parties back in my day."

His goofiness kills me. I smile and watch him work his magic, measuring the perfect ratio of soda to alcohol. He catches me staring and throws a chip at me playfully biting back his tongue. Oh, now it's on. My expression changed instantly and I reached into the same bag with a devilish grin. If there's one thing about me, I love a good competition. He stepped back excitedly eyeing me up and down.

Before I knew it we were throwing chips at each other like no tomorrow, ducking behind the black marble counters and running laps trying to chase each other down. We didn't even care about the party going on in the living room because we were having too much fun on our own.

Eventually, we cooled down and realized we were beginning to make a huge mess. The chips and pretzels just weren't enough so we sneakily raided the cabinets in search of something more promising. As I was peaking through I found a pack of unopened Fudgeeo's and my eyes lit up. "Score!" I exclaimed and Sawyer came up behind me to see what was happening.

They were on the very top shelf and I tried to reach them but I couldn't. I'm still too short. But he simply watched, amused, as I jumped up to get them and he didn't even think about helping me. "Still can't reach huh?" He finds my struggling awfully hilarious, apparently.

"Are you gonna help?"

"I honestly really just like watching this." He says slyly and I smack him on the shoulder, annoyed.

Suddenly he grabs me by the waist and I feel my feet lift off of the ground swiftly. My eye level meets the orange packaging and I grab it quickly before he puts me down. I stare at him impressed. I take it upon myself to feel his very muscular arms and he paints a proud look on his face. "You've been working out huh?"

"Yeah. You're so tiny I can lift you with one arm," he gloats. "Like this," and before I know it he lifts me up yet again and spins me around the kitchen and I let out a girly squeal. His hands linger near my hips for a moment, and I check to see if anyone is watching, slightly paranoid. 

I step aside casually and gather all the snacks together. We begin taste testing a bunch of them then we try and guess the food with our eyes closed, out of random things we find in the kitchen to pass time. It's so great that with him, there's never a dull moment. No matter where we are.

We were goofing around a bit and I noticed Sawyer kept shooting me looks and his hands always tried to find their way to my waist somehow to pull me in closer, so I suggested we get out of here and go somewhere a bit more private, with fewer peering eyes. And he agreed.

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