25. Epilogue

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I'm struggling to lift a heavy box up the stairs, straining with every step and that's when Ryan comes by and swiftly takes it from me.

I follow him through the dark, green hallway leading to Sawyer's bright and lively little apartment that I've grown so fond of.

My little knick-knacks are starting to fill up and clutter his previously sophisticated and tame apartment. My salvaged colorful furniture brings his gray place to life.

The vibrant clothes find space in his closet, which is now divided in two.

I feel the excitement of getting to decorate a new place and fill it with brand new memories. I'll be living with Sawyer, in his space, which I practically already lived in.

Ryan helps me out, rearranging the furniture and making room for my things. He's doing most of the heavy lifting because these weak arms had trouble carrying the 30-pound box of clothes I had to the bedroom. I'm beginning to wish I had taken that kick-boxing class that Cam tried to sway me into going.

My loose bun comes undone while unpacking, so I stop to re-tie it, this time tighter.

The empty space near Sawyer's balcony, overlooking the bustling town next-door seems fit for my easel. It's actually rather perfect due to the amount of light that it receives. The rest of my art supplies occupy the space next to it.

It's all coming together.

I've finally opened up an art website a few months back, that's rapidly taking off now, thanks to Anthony and Cam's tech-savvy expertise.

They're both still in school and thriving. Seemingly Sweetwater college was the best choice for them. Cam is happy in her program and she's even got job offers from a theatre company in New York.

I realize now that Anthony came into my life to show me the path I needed to take. I never truly would've been as happy if I hadn't left college. I'm teaching art classes now and I don't think I'd be here if I didn't follow my dreams.

Sawyer is now, thankfully, completely recovered and he's feeling better than ever. He's started working out more and transferring his stress into physical energy. It's also a bonus for me, considering his abs have never looked better.

Those scattered law books over the place have found their way to a bookshelf, where they are neatly stacked.

He is so close to graduating law school, with his mental health somewhat still intact.

I found a place to put my favorite picture of us up. Perfectly fit for a classy brown frame, it sits on the shelf next to the bed. Funny how a photograph can take you to another place. Our summer getaway. I'll never forget that blissful week, a time where I never felt freer and at ease.

I got a glimpse of the life Sawyer and I could have and I loved every second of it.

We've come so far and now we are stronger than ever.

Mom even came around to the idea of me dropping out of school to follow my dreams, though it took a year. I'm still not convinced she's entirely happy but once I get my art business fully up and running, I'll prove to her that I made the right decision.

I'm unpacking in the kitchen, organizing the china and silverware carefully into the cupboards when Sawyer shuffles behind me and taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see him kneeling on one leg and my brain takes a moment to process what he's doing, but then I see a shiny dazzling ring in his hand. It almost doesn't feel real.

Immediately tears fill my eyes as a range of emotions hits me all at once. "Holly," he begins and the sound of my name coming out of his mouth convinces me that this is real. "—since the day I met you nothing in my life has been the same."

"You're there for me when I'm sad and you're right by my side during the happy moments. You're honestly the only thing that got me through law school. Every time I'd stress out or worry, or doubt myself you would be there to pick me up and set me straight. You'd tell me I'd get through this and to believe in myself. You inspire me and your passion reminds me that you can do anything you set your mind to."

His misty eyes lovingly gaze into mine and its crazy how I lose myself in the moment. At this point, I'm covering my mouth as if it will stop the river of tears ready to flow from my eyes. "Everyday I'm so thankful I get to come home to you, sitting here on the stools, scrolling through your phone and munching on Oreo's. Waiting for me to come home,"

He rises and tenderly wipes the tears on my face and I feel my hands begin to shake. "You are my home, and every day you make me more and more thankful that I walked into your room that day and played monopoly with you. I never want to spend a day not knowing you're mine, so will you—"

"—yes," I blurt out and my voice cracks. "You didn't let me—"

"Yes." I just leap into his arms and he laughs, holding me tightly.

Ryan bursts in with a box of my belongings and a cheerful look plastered on his face. "You really did it man."

"Get in here," Sawyer puts me down carefully while keeping his arm around me. Ryan joyously skips into the kitchen and hugs us both tightly. They sandwich me in between them because they're so tall.

I now know that ever since the day Sawyer walked into my life, things will never be the same.

He slips the ring onto my finger delicately and I admire its sparkle.

After all this time, I think I've finally found my place. Everything is going to be okay because I figured out my goal in college.

To find myself. And I did.

The End.

Thank you all so much for joining me on #Solly's journey for so long. What happens next is up to you to decide, their future is in your hands and wildest imaginations. It's time to move on to new books and more captivating storylines and I hope you guys will join me for those too. Thank you all so much for reading and for your support as always. I love you all.


Also, be sure to follow my Instagram for updates and to keep in touch for future chapters and books!

: brocklover69

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