13. "i'd do anything for you"

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This morning I was up at 8 which is not ideal for me considering the time I actually fell asleep last night. I expected to be back in my dorm room when I opened my eyes for some reason. It took me about a second to remember where I actually was.

I analyzed the four bedroom walls as I laid for a few minutes. The smell of coffee inspired me to actually leave my bed. Besides I couldn't fall back asleep now that the sun was gleaming through the windows.

It was much colder as soon as I got out from under my blanket and I got a quick shiver up my spine. I threw on the sweater I brought from last night, which was thinner than a rake, and headed out into the hallway. I noticed on my trip to the dining room that every inch of this house was maticulously decorated. There were succulents everywhere, and little knickknacks. But more importantly the walls had pictures of baby Sawyer plastered all over.

A few of a happy family of three, posing steroetypically like a happy family. The man in the photos resembled Sawyer, quite a bit actually. I certainly see where he got the height from. He looked like a brooding man, just shy of depressed by the way he could never be caught smiling in the pictures.

"Ah, so you found these?" Sawyer's voice startles me. I still look over all of the photos to see how much he has grown, and boy has he ever. I smile at the little picture of him dressed up in a little mini suit and briefcase. He looks so giddy and full of ambition. "You were so cute, what happened?" I joke. His jaw drops as he dramatically clutches his chest. "Kidding," I say, playfully pushing him.

I notice his dad in the photos was wearing a suit as well, posing with his breifcase. "So that's your—" I refrain from finishing that sentence for some reason. As if saying father is a bad word.

"Yeah, that's my old man. He was a lawyer too, a pretty diligent one at that."

"He was?" I ask softly. I don't want to pry, especially not at this hour in the morning, but I can't help but to ask.

He apprehensively opens his mouth to speak. "Hey guys, why are you hanging around in the hallway?" his mother cheerfully interrupts us. We both just drop the topic and follow his mom as she ushers us into the dining room.

She offers me a full plate of food but I really only want the coffee. Unfortunately it won't conceal these horrible bags under my eyes.

"Well if you kids got nothing to do today, maybe you and Holly could pick up a few things for our Thanksgiving dinner then? You could show her around the neighborhood while you're at it." she chews on a piece of bacon.

We both just look at each other and nod simultaneously. "Here," she fetches her car keys and throws it to him. "You can take my car."


We drove around a bit on our way to the supermarket, as he introduced me to his hometown. "This was my high school—" he points as we drove by slowly, so I could get a good look at it. It's a small red brick building, surely full of amazing memories for him.
"—before I moved away."

"Why did you move?" I ask.

"Do you see any big-time lawyers around here?" he chuckles. "I couldn't exactly follow my dreams in a tiny town like this now could I?" he glances over at me for a moment, before moving his eyes back to the road.

We finally arrived at the supermarket, with a big blue awning in front that read 'Jordan's'. As soon as we stepped into the warm and heated store, we were swarmed with a bunch of greetings and smiles. It's as if he's a celebrity in this place. "Sawyer, my god, you are probably taller than Kurt by now." An old lady mentions to him as we look through the aisle.

"My dad." Sawyer elaborates for me on the lady's comment after she leaves.

On the way to the cashier, after we had picked up everything we needed and our cart was filled with groceries, we stopped at a DVD rack. "Pick one," he told me. Back at the house, they don't have cable, so these were the next best thing. I almost forgot what DVDs even looked like, now with all the smart TV's out there.

For some reason, 500 Days of Summer just called out to me, so I picked it up. I show it to him and activate my puppy dog eyes because I know he hates the movie for some reason. He stares at me for a while trying hard not to give in to my tactics but he eventually sighs and I take that as a yes. "You'd really watch this with me?" I hug his arm.

"You know I'd do anything for you."


The dinner was amazing. We all pitched in to cook, and I got a glimpse of how he used to live, and how his family operates. He may look nothing like her but he certainly adapted his moms caring and polite attitude. I also noticed the little quirks that they have, while we were doing the dishes.

Like for instance when they're concentrating they both stick out their tongues.

I was stuffed to the gills after we had all finished washing up, and by the time the movie was done, I was ready to pass out.

I was in my bed, nearly knocked out cold with a book from the library opened right next to me when I heard my door creak. I was far too tired to open my eyes so I kept them shut, but I listened in as the footsteps got closer to me. Suddenly I felt a big heavy blanket fall on top of me and I was tucked in very gently on my sides.

I heard the light on the end table next to me click off and I felt the spot next to me on the mattress sink down a bit. A warm delicate kiss was pressed on my forehead, while I still remained pretending to be fast asleep.

"Goodnight love," I heard Sawyer's voice whisper in my ear and I tried my hardest not to smile.

That's the last thing I heard before he walked out and carefully shut the door, and the night slowly drifted away.

So terribly sorry for the late updates recently. I've been noticing quite a few glitches on wattpad and it's hard to write because sometimes I struggle to save my work as I go. Also, these chapters haven't been my best work recently but just reminding you guys that the book is still a work in progress and it needs editing!

Next update: August 7

Also I noticed in the comments that some people are team Anthony and Holly... that's interesting ;)

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