Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The next day I was able to go to school. I had hoped that the drama had cooled down. But unlike the Hunger Games, the odds never seem to be in my favor. I should have known something was up as soon as I set foot in the school. The strange looks and whispers followed me all the way to my locker, where a crowd of people stood staring. I didn't really think much of it. I never had the chance to think much of it. I never had the chance to think much of anything. But when everyone turned to look my way, I knew something was wrong.

I stared in disbelief at where my locker was. Across the front someone had spray-painted the word BITCH in big, sloppy letters, the red ink just barely fresh. On the floor were colorful fliers with my school picture and a slash thrown across it. In the captions, the words: 'The Biggest Slut You Will Ever Know' in neat block letters.

I bent down to retrieve one from the ground and held it with shaky hands. I forced myself not to cry in front of all these people. I noticed each person had a flyer in their hands, and that they were all waiting to see my reaction. I refused to show any weakness, but one tear managed to escape free.

Then I heard a shout from the crowd. It was Damien, and he sounded furious. "I want to know who the hell did this!" From where I stood I could see him grab the flyers from people's hands and rip them to shreds. "Who's the coward? Huh?!" When he pushed through the crowd, he stopped in his tracks, eyes wide. "What the . . ." He stared at the blotchy letters with dark eyes. "Do you all have a death wish?!" He shouted.

I still held the flyer in my shaky hands. He took it from me and crushed it to a paper ball. Then he drew his fist back and punched the locker so hard it left a dent, staining his fingers red. He slowly turned to face the crowd. "When I find out who did this, whoever you are, you're going to wish you were dead," he said in a low, dangerous voice. After letting his words sink in he grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me away from the scene.

After all the drama unfolded, the teachers all decided to run out of their classrooms and see what all the commotion was about. One teacher, an old woman, gasped out loud, covering her mouth with her hand. Another went back into their classroom, probably to call the principal or the custodian. Damien paid them no attention and continued to pull on my arm, never letting go of my hand. "Later you'll get your stuff out after they clean it up and share a locker with me. I don't really use it that much so don't think you're bothering me because I know that's what you're thinking."

I actually hadn't really thought of that until he mentioned it. If anything, my mind was a blank slate. Somehow, Damien had brought us to his locker without me even noticing. Taylor, Alex, Jesse, Chris, and Will all stood holding a flyer, bewildered expressions on their faces. Taylor looked up at our entrance and ripped her paper in disgust. "I cannot believe she would stoop to this level!"

They boys looked at her confused. "Are you saying you know who did this?" Jesse asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Are you guys for real? Come on, it's pretty obvious!"

They all looked even more confused except for Damien, who nodded his head. "It was Courtney."

Everyone looked at him surprised, even Taylor. "Well, it's about time someone used their brain."

Chris and Will exclaimed in astonishment, "You really think Courtney would do something like this?"

"Before I might not have believed it but now," Damien looked at me, "I know better now."

"I won't believe it until I see proof!"Jesse said.

"Do you not remember the way she acted that night at the club?" Taylor pointed out. "What more proof do you need?"

"Jesse. She hurt Amber," Damien said. We all looked to him in shock. Even though I knew it was true, hearing Damien say it out loud gave me comfort in knowing he trusted me.

Taylor looked at me with her mouth wide open. "She was the one behind those red marks?" I nodded. She clapped her hands together. "I knew it! Damn those long nails! Nothing good comes out of them . . . well, except for Zendaya. They totally work for her."

"What?!" Jesse exclaimed. "You actually believe her?" He pointed accusingly at me. "We've only known this girl for what, a month? Maybe two? While we've known Courtney since way before that! This is bullshit!"

Damien grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against the wall. "Shut the fuck up you asshole! You need to keep that mouth of yours under control!"

Alex grabbed Damien's arm. "Hey, calm down Damien."

Jesse ignored him and tried to push Damien off. "Why should I? Ever since you started dating this girl, you've changed completely! If anything, you're the biggest asshole here!" Damien punched him in the jaw. I screamed in surprise, covering my mouth with my hands.

Chris and Will pulled Damien back, restraining his arms behind so he couldn't throw another punch. Alex moved to help Jesse, but he only slapped his hand away, testing his jaw. Taylor and I watched with widened eyes.

Jesse slowly stood up, hand on his jaw and Damien shook Chris and Will off. They stared at each other menacingly for a few seconds before Jesse turned to look at me. He didn't say anything but he didn't have to. His eyes said it all, how he felt toward me. They seemed to be asking "Who do you think you are?" Then, with a final look towards Damien, he walked away not looking back once. After a moment's hesitation, Chris and Will shot Damien an apologetic look, then ran after Jesse. The four of us stood in silence.

Damien said begrudgingly, "Are you sure you guys don't want to go after him too?"

Taylor scoffed. "Go after that idiot? No!"

He looked at Alex, "You're my best friend," Alex said bluntly. "Jesse doesn't think straight. Besides, I know Amber wouldn't lie so easily. It's not hard to believe Courtney would do something like that, like this," he waved his hands at the crushed papers on the floor, "given past events. Jesse doesn't know the whole story. Just give him some time, he'll come around." Alex seemed to be aiming his words more towards me, and I smiled in understanding.

Damien looked at me. With one gloved hand, he tilted my head so that we were eye to eye. "Don't worry. Don't feel bad about anything. You have nothing to be sorry for."

I smiled and nodded, but it was forced. "I know."

Taking my hands in his, he asked, "You got the gloves?"

I reached into my bag and pulled out the gloves that became my own and slipped them on, enjoying the snug fit. Taylor lifted my wrist to feel the fabric with an almost child-like expression on her face. "Awww! Matching gloves? What, you couldn't get her a ring?" She said in a deadpan tone.

Damien gave her a noogie on the head and she sqeamed in her position. "I was kidding! It's cute! It really is!"

I laughed at the scene before me, clutching my stomach, as I sank to the floor. Not soon after, Alex joined me. Our laughs echoed down the hall, and even after the two had finished, we still sat crouched on our knees, gasping for air.

Another chapter has been completed! Just for you guys cus you're the best and i love how psyched you guys are about wanting to read this! Thank you so much for your support! Dont forget to comment, vote, become a fan and share on many of your fav social netwroking sites or with your friends! Happy reading! <3

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