Chapter 21

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 Chapter 21 

            I didn’t have any nightmares for once. That’s probably because I didn’t actually sleep to have nightmares. After Ky had left last night, I didn’t bother changing out of my dress as I tossed and turned from side to side, wrinkling the soft fabric. I couldn’t stop thinking all last night about what I would say to Damien when I saw him. If I saw him.

            If Taylor didn’t say anything to him about what she saw, or what she thinks she saw, then Damien is completely clueless about everything.

            Another thing was Ky. His words last night really shook me up. Everything he said only confused me. What’s worse of all? I asked myself if it was possible for me to maybe have some feelings for Ky. But, no that was impossible. I was with Damien, and he was the only one I cared about. But the fact that I even asked myself that question made me feel guilty. And the fact that Ky did have some sort of feelings for me made me a little bit scared. How do I deal with all this craziness?

            I wasn’t ready to face the world just yet so I decided to get out of bed and at least change into some comfy clothes. I climbed back in bed wearing a white T-shirt and shorts. I turned on the TV and put on some comedy show, hoping to brighten up my mood.

            Someone knocked at the door. “Come in!” I called out.

            It was Gustavo. “What are you doing?” he asked.

            “Good morning to you, too,” I said grumpily.

            “Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed,” he remarked.

            “Sorry,” I apologized. “I just don’t feel well.”

            He became concerned. “Do you want me to make you some tea?”

            I nodded, thankful. He closed the door quietly just as my phone rang. It was Damien. I panicked. What would I say? How would I say it? Time was running out and in a fit of haste, I picked up the phone. “Hey,” I said casually.

            “Hey,” he said. His voice was so warm and kind. I kicked myself for being an idiot. “I heard you weren’t feeling well. Are you okay?”  

            “What? Who told you I wasn’t feeling well?” I started to feel paranoid.

            “Taylor did,” he said slowly. “She said that’s why you felt so early last night?”

            “Oh! Oh yeah,” I sighed with relief. “That’s right—She’s right, I did!”

            “So, are you feeling better?” he asked.

            “Um, a little bit,” I said. “But I think I should rest in bed for today.” To clear my head.

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