Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Yo! Coming through!"

I pressed up against the wall as a bunch of guys came running down the hall, careful not to make any contact with them.

"Get back here, you jackass!"

"If I'm such a jackass, why can't you keep up?!"

When they finally passed me, I let out a sigh of relief. Why must boys always be rowdy? If attention came in the form of dollars, they'd be crawling the streets, begging for it. I thought girls were worse.

"Oh my gosh! Can you believe Damien? I wonder what he did now."

I turned to my left and saw three girls from my English class. Courtney Oakley, Chloe Winters, and Iris Fey. Chloe and Iris hovered over Courtney's shoulders as she rummaged through her locker. The one who had spoken, Chloe, was using Courtney's hot pink mirror to brush her cherry-colored hair.

"Oh come on. You know they're just joking around. They love to make a scene," Iris joked. Her jet-black hair lay in a loose braid that trailed down the length of her back.

"I know, but still. Alex sounded really pissed off."

"It doesn't matter," Courtney said, "They've been best friends since kindergarten. Alex knows not to mess with Damien. Remember last year when that science teacher made fun of Damien's hair?"

Both girls winced and nodded at Courtney. I, too, winced at the thought. I had been in the same class as Damien during our sophomore year and had the privilege of witnessing the whole scene firsthand. During our first semester, Damien had decided to die a portion of his black hair white. Our science teacher at the time, Mr. Gareth, took infinite joy in humiliating Damien, calling it "inappropriate" and "an insult to this school." After a while, Damien got very annoyed, or as other people would call it, "pissed off times infinity." Mr. Gareth was in the middle of insulting Damien, when he got up, walked straight to Mr. Gareth, and punched him hard in the face, the impact sending him over the desk, straight into the blackboard with a loud thump!, before falling to the floor in a slump.

The loud slam! of Courtney's locker door closing shut yanked me out of my thoughts.

They paid no attention to me, nor had they even noticed me standing right there next to them, in plain sight. No one ever noticed me. Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near being in the spotlight. But I wouldn't mind being noticed; have a friend, just one. I tucked a loose strand of my curly, dark brown hair behind my ear and gently closed my locker door shut.


Ring! The bell rang and everyone made a beeline to the door. School was finally over and everyone was free to linger in the halls and hang out with friends; everyone but me.

I sighed. Everyone had already left the room and the sounds of laughter echoed in the hall. I swung my bag over my shoulder and bowed before my social studies teacher, Ms. Lee, a habit I'd picked up in Japan one summer, mumbling a quick "bye" before leaving.

I clutched the thick strap of my leather handbag and made my way for the first floor. I was rounding the corner when someone big and hard shoved me roughly in the shoulder, the impact sending my bag and its contents all over the floor.

I got on my knees and started shuffling papers back into my bag. "Sorry about that."

"I didn't see you there. You okay?"

I froze and couldn't keep my eyes from bulging. I resisted the urge to look up as a pair of dark jeans knelt down before me and continued from where I had left off. I immediately recognized the black fingerless gloves and slowly made my way up to his face. A pair of bright green eyes stared back at me. I suddenly forgot how to speak. No boy has every come this close to me. I never allowed it and always tried to avoid these tough situations. But here I was face-to-face with Damien Beliena.

"I hope I didn't hurt your shoulder." He reached for me and I immediately flinched back, clutching the strap of bag to my chest.

"It was an accident." My voice cracked.

I quickly stood up, hastily smoothing the hem of my skirt before walked away before making a beeline for the exit.

Hey guys! So i just uploaded this chapter and I'm hoping to get more chapters up by the end of the week! Please be patient! Vote and comment! Tell me if you like it so far and if I should keep going. Trust me, it's going to get better. I know it's not a lot, but it's something. It might take some time but it will be worth it. Become a fan! Thank you guys so much!<3

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