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It didn't take long for Ian to text back, not even questioning the reason why he needed to take Daniel's place

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It didn't take long for Ian to text back, not even questioning the reason why he needed to take Daniel's place. As I watched him say something to Coach Hanks before heading away from the field, I figured it was probably because he already knew.

My eyes trailed him until he turned, walking out in the direction of the parking lot. Only ten seconds were left on the clock until halftime. It would start with a performance from the cheerleaders, and then the marching band would play-- that would be Roy's cue to start streaking. We all figured the field would be most crowded at that point, making it more difficult for anyone to catch him before he disappeared into the woods. Jade and I would be in a phone call together, and I'd tell her once Roy had been noticed to turn off the lights.

It could work. Even without Daniel, it could work. 

My phone vibrated in my hand and I looked down to see a new message in the group chat from Roy.

Someone must have seen me in the bathroom, security came in to get me.

My thumb instantly went for the call button, a few rings sounding before someone picked up.

"Maddie?" Jade answered first, followed by Roy before I could respond.

"I got kicked out. And they banned me from the rest of this year's sporting events."

"Not exactly a tragic loss," Ian remarked, announcing his presence in the call.

"What happened?" I asked, making my way down the bleachers as the quarter came to an end. It was almost showtime, and we just lost our showman.

"Someone must've seen me," Roy said, voice filled with uncertainty. "Security said they were alerted about a peeping tom. I told them I walked into the girls' bathroom by mistake and was too scared of being seen to come out, but I don't think they really believed me. I'd sneak back in, but who knows what the punishment will be like if I get caught a second time."

"What are we gonna do?" Jade asked as I reached the bottom of the bleachers.

I kept walking, weaving in between the crowd, pushing my way through. "Jade, when the marching band starts playing, count down from ten and then kill the lights. I should have gathered attention from at least one of The Seven by that point."

"I- Wha- You're gonna do it?" I could barely make out her question as she was overlapped by the two male voices.

"Maddie, you don't have to do this," Ian spoke seriously over the other boy's laughs of disbelief.

"Seriously, Mads-- I appreciate your dedication to the cause, but this is a lot to take on," Roy added.

"They're right," Jade agreed, "It's riskier now with just the three of us and-"

"Jade," I interrupted, "I'm doing it. I need you to be ready with the lights, and I need you to get my stuff from the bathroom. It's the same plan, just a small change."

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