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I stared at the mirror next to my dresser, examining myself

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I stared at the mirror next to my dresser, examining myself. I wasn't used to wearing a dress. The black one I was donning had sat in the back of my closet unworn for the past year. Tonight, it would finally get a moment to shine before being drenched in red.

I yawned, still feeling the effects of the previous night's lack of sleep. After talking to Matthew, the four of us set up our trap in the gym while he recruited his friends. Thankfully, everything went smoothly. Our can of paint was sitting on the backboard of one of the raised basketball hoops. Thankfully, the makeshift stage that had been set up in the gym was positioned right underneath it. If everything went right, in a couple of hours I'd be standing up there waiting for Ian to lower the hoop down.

Explaining to my parents that I was going to the dance with an actual boy put both of them into over-protective mode. My dad asked a million questions ranging from Roy's age to the car he drove, but sometime between me saying "he's a good student," and "yes, he's very nice," permission was granted. By the time I was getting ready, it almost seemed like my mother was more excited than I was-- she already had her camera out and was undoubtedly waiting to embarrass me by taking a million pictures.

I adjusted my dress, then my hair, for what was probably the hundredth time. Just as I finished making sure I had everything I needed in my purse, the doorbell rang, and the sound sent my nerves haywire again.

I hurried down the stairs as best as I could in my heels, relieved to see that my mother-- or worse, my father-- hadn't gotten to the door before me. As I pulled it open, my eyes immediately met Roy's, which widened as they looked me over. A smile grew on his face and I blushed, fiddling with the silver chain around my neck. I couldn't help but give him a quick once over as well, admiring the way he looked so unusually polished in his white button-up and black tie.

"You look..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "I- Wow."

I bit my lip to try to suppress the giant grin on my face, but I couldn't stop it-- his reaction made all my insecurities melt away. "I could say the same about you."

"Roy." My dad's voice made me flinch as he came up beside me, opening the door wider. "Come on, come in. I'd like to talk, and I think my wife would like to take some pictures of you two."

"Only if you don't mind!" she chimed in, coming out of the living room with her camera in hand.

Roy smiled, stepping into the house as my dad shut the door behind him. "Not at all, I'd love to."

My mom directed the two of us to stand together, and I could feel my face heat up as Roy put his arm around my waist. We smiled as the camera shutter clicked, and my dad took the opportunity to start questioning Roy.

"So Roy, how long have you known Jade?"

"Ok, Jade, stand with your back against him," my mom spoke before he could answer, and I shifted accordingly as she motioned with her hand.

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