2 - Annað

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Everything about England is beautiful, if you look beyond the hearts and minds of the colonial tyrants who literally wanted to rule the world over a hundred years ago.

It is beautiful.

I got out of bed to freshen up.

My skin is slightly pink today from the cold. My hair is a big dark mess. I guess I'll just have to go for a messy bun today.

Don't I always?

I put on a peach-colored t-shirt with a pair of jeans and headed to the kitchen. I pick out the tiffin box labelled 'Monday' and stick my fork into the tuna salad I prepped yesterday along with the rest of my meals for the week.

I know what you're thinking. Who has that kind of time on the weekends?

Well, a) I'm not a morning person, b) breakfast is important, and c) I don't really have friends to hang out with so instead, I have time to meal prep.

After I was done with the salad, I put on a light grey-colored heavy coat with boots and headed out.

I had some time to spare when I made it to the Data Science class.

"Raynhildur Ylva", the teacher called out for attendance. She was kind enough to ask me how to pronounce my name right on the first day of the semester. Definitely a first.

I responded with a not-so-enthusiastic "present".

I know my classmates don't like me very much. But I've been through this quite a lot. They're mostly humans. The few werewolves who sense me don't come too close.

Except for Starke, a werewolf from the Vingjar pack. He knows his friendship with me is risky but he pretends hanging out with me is okay. I know he's repressing his fear just to be able to talk to me. I think it's not worth the effort.

The werewolves here consider me of the Liet as I don't identify with a pack anymore.

But I know better. The Liet are organized and the only difference between them and packs is that they do as they please and their decisions are not based on the will of the Alpha or Beta. They choose their way of life yet have each other's back if need be.

I don't associate with them. If I wanted, I could seek them out and join them. They would take me in and I wouldn't have to worry about half the things I worry about now, like rent. Or food. Or friends, even.

But I know better than to go to them. I know where the money for the rent comes from. I know where their food comes from. And I know what those people are capable of.

They don't always think of legality to have their ways. And almost all powerful criminals in our world are of the Liet. And they want to gain more numbers to defend themselves against the larger packs that hunt them down. I know they're aware of a packless rogue in the city.

I know they have their eyes on me.


"Hey Rayne," said Starke as he caught up with me after class.

"You didn't make it to first period this morning. I was actually a little jealous. The Andrew Ng course online is way better than what they teach us here," he said running fingers through his blonde curls.

I smiled at him. He tries so hard to make me feel less out of place.

"Yeah well, at least you got an attendance marked," I replied.

He laughed. The action made his hazel eyes sparkle and I felt happy to have found someone who was happy to be around me.

"That I did. Well anyway, I was wondering if you were free Thursday night?" he asked a bit shyly.

Damn. I couldn't think of ONE thing I planned to do this Thursday night.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

Starke looked around nervously.

Was he asking me out on a date?

How adorable was that. I looked at him expectantly.

I think he realized it was too sudden because he quickly said, "It's just me and a couple of friends at my place. We'll get pizza or something."

"And who are these friends?" I asked.

I knew exactly the friends he was talking about.

He looked at his feet.

"Starke. You know your packmates think I'm some sort of exiled convict or something. They give me the weirdest looks and you're already on the verge of losing your friends because of me," I said.

He smiled. "Maybe they'll get to know you how I do," he said.

"And how do you know me exactly?" I said.

He doesn't know me at all. He just pities me or something.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Starke. I'm not used to making friends and stuff like that. I just-"

"It'll be great. I promise," he said holding my shoulders.

His eyes widened as he quickly let go.

I guess there's no getting out of this.

"Okay. I'll be there."

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