23 - Tuttugu og þrír

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Sven looked at me.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

I've realized that the mere thought of my destroyed pack does that to me.

I'm such a weakling. I shouldn't even call myself a warrior.

"Your physical strength has nothing to do with how strong you are emotionally. I didn't live your life Rayne, I don't know what you did, and I don't know anything except that you're important. You're important to a lot of people, but not everybody wants you for the right reasons.

"If what the little birdy told me is true, Jedrek can never find out. He'll give you up to the Palace in a heartbeat. We're all going to train our best to find whoever it is they're looking for, and I hope we do because I'd rather it be anyone but you."

There was an unmistakable sincerity in his voice. Something I could hold on to.

"Sven, I need to tell you something, but I need to know if I can trust you," I said.

He looked at me. "I may have come across as a manipulative prick at first, but I can be trusted as a friend. I only lied to protect you."

"I need some information in return though," I added.

He looked at the window again, seeming as if considering it.


I sighed.

"I'm a dyrith," I said.

He remained unfazed as he looked at me. "Okay? And?" he said.

His reaction was not even close to what I thought it'd be.

"What do you mean and?" I said thoroughly annoyed with him now.

"I mean, I knew that already. It's not brand new information dear Rayne."

How even?

"Carson has always been interested in all the other creatures. He knew you were a dyrith even before he met you."

We did have some classes together. Maybe that's when he noticed?

"So you've all discussed my lineage already? Well that's great!" I said sarcastically.

"I guess Hayes could tell too. They're both into the same things, even if it doesn't seem like it. But Carson just told me."

"Why would he tell just you?" I asked.

"I may have asked him?" he said, smiling.

"You asked Carson if I was a dyrith?" I said genuinely surprised.

"No. I haven't heard of dyriths around here. Never even seen one, other than you, that is," he said.

"I just asked Carson if he sensed anything different about you. He told me you were a dyrith. But that still isn't enough information. Why would the Palace be after a dyrith? They aren't the most common in this region, maybe, but that doesn't mean they don't exist elsewhere. Hybrids of all creatures live all across the world. Being a dyrith is relatively rare, but it doesn't make you special" he continued.

Geez thanks.

It's true though. That doesn't make sense.

Then why?

I sighed.

"Maybe it isn't me," I said hopeful.

His face turned solemn as he looked at me.

"We could go with that if you weren't from Fathilagt."

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