28 - Tuttugu og Átta

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A hundred thoughts ran through my mind as we walked back to the main building. I could also think of a hundred things I'd rather do on a Saturday night.

Heading towards my impending doom hardly makes the list.

We walked to the common room where the Liet band had occupied the space. It seemed just big enough for us to fit in without overcrowding it.

I saw Sven make his way towards a bean bag near where Alessio, Uriah and a few others stood talking, leaving me standing awkwardly by the double doors.

I saw Jedrek angrily tapping away on his phone. His frustration was also evident by the stress lines on his forehead.

Everyone seemed to be engaged in conversation except a few who were scattered about. One of them, stirring what seemed to be a cup of tea, was looking at me.

When he saw me return his gaze, he smiled a friendly smile. He took out the teabag from his cup, leaving it on the little table where he stood and made his way to me.

He was dark-skinned, had hair as black as mine, eyes black too. He was tall, not very muscular, but he wasn't skinny either. When he got closer, still smiling, I realized he had blindingly white, flawless teeth.

"Tea?" he asked me, offering his cup.

"No thank you," I replied.

"I'm Bayo. I'm new here. I think we're going to be good friends," he said. His way was straightforward and kind, I couldn't trace any malice in his voice or face. He seemed young. Younger than me at least.

"I'm Rayne. I'm still trying to get in," I said, smiling a little awkwardly.

"I have been informed that I will be assisting you in your next adventure," he said.

I looked up at him, and then turned to Sven. He was having what seemed to be an important conversation with his company, but he did look at me in between as if to let me know the talk concerns me.

"And what adventure would that be?" I asked him.

"Does it matter? I'm finally free. I've gotten out of my depressing old circle. It was a risk for sure, coming here, joining the Liet. But now in the face of danger, it's kinda exhilarating," he said, beaming.

He doesn't know.

"Besides, I saw you yesterday. What you did, it was amazing. You are a real warrior and it shows," he said.

"It does?" I asked, incredulous. I mean, apart from the first test, I haven't displayed my skill anywhere else.

"Of course. Your posture. Your alert eyes. Even your relaxed stance screams soldier. It's relaxed, but not too much. You can fight without notice. And just something about you, it's authority," he said. "I mean I'd listen to you."

I didn't see any of that when I looked in the mirror before. Either this kid is really observant, or I'm really on edge tonight.

I saw another group huddled around a medium-sized table, discussing something. My opponents from the day before, along with a few others, now joined by Sven and his company, had concentrated there towards the center of the room.

Agatha looked up and around till she saw me, then beckoned me and Bayo to come to the table.

Sven made space so I could stand in front of the ridiculously tall boys surrounding the table.

"...we need to know what they know. There's so much to gain here, but nothing to lose. We're going to have to go all-out," said an older-looking woman who sat opposite me at the round table. She seemed to be in her forties.

"What's the plan then Nove?" I heard Sven's voice ask from just behind me.

Nove looked directly at me, and then at Bayo. "These two, we're going to send them in."

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