16. first

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"Can you eat any slower?" I say to my father.

He has been forking his piece of chocolate mousse cake for the last fifteen minutes. I don't think he realizes how impatient I am to get out of this restaurant and go back home in order to change for the airport.

"JaeJe," my mother scolds me from across the table, "You're acting crazy. Calm down."

Am I? I don't think I am. I haven't rushed one single moment throughout the entirety of my brother's graduation. In fact, I was nice enough to take the pictures for my parents throughout the ceremony. I didn't mention the airport once.

But now it is approaching 3PM and the butterflies are beginning. In less than 24 hours I will be in the same space as BTS and the man I have been talking to for slightly over a month. I know, I know. It isn't that much time for me to feel like I need to meet him— it's just I know that this will be one of my only chances.

"What's with you?" David whispers to me.

I shrug, "I'm excited."

"Yeah, so am I. But you look like you're about to throw up."

I pretend to gag in his direction and he puts his hands out to stop me. We make faces at each other and my mother's cough makes the two of us stop. It's then that my phone goes off— an indication of a new email.

I glance down subtly at my phone under the table. My parents are strict about technology at dinner, so I pretend to be fixing my dress as I'm reading the new email from Billboard. Fuck. The offer was only for one ticket. I will offer it to Luna. She needs the pictures more than me for her fansite. I hope she won't mind sitting alone during the performance— David and I will just sit in the ones she bought.

"Check, please," my dad says to the waiter and I don't know how I'm feeling. Actually, I think I feel sixteen again. I haven't been this excited for anything since the first season of Teen Wolf.

"Jae," my mom says and I look at her. I am quick to put my phone away.


"I'm sure you and your brother will look out for each other during the trip?"

"Oh, yeah," I nod at her, "Of course. I rather not die when I get home because I forgot him or something."

My father chuckles but my mom looks displeased.

"I'm serious," she scolds me again.

"So am I!"

"Where are you two going again?" My dad asks.

"Wow, you're so involved in our lives," David's tone is sarcastic and I giggle because of it.

You could say our family has been slightly dysfunctional as of lately. I blame that on my mom. She has made David and I not want to share anything because of how much she intrudes on anything we enjoy doing.

"We're going to California to see a K-pop idol group," I tell my dad and his eyebrows raise.

He finishes the last of his water and nods.

"There was just some big advertisement deal through my company with BTS."

"Really? For what brand?" I ask.

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