halloween special

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an SNS spooky special halloween
independent/stand alone chapter
you DO NOT have to read this for plot info!


October 31st

"David," I whine.

My black spandex pants were never put into the dryer. I asked him nicely to do one thing, and yet he somehow managed to forget. How convenient.

"Sorry," he says lamely. He doesn't mean it. "Mom usually does it."

I roll my eyes at him but control my anger as I throw the pants into the dryer. With my parents gone for the week, David has really done absolutely nothing. I have been cleaning and cooking for him like he's a child. He's lucky that I'm only here for a short while because otherwise I would be sticking it to him.

It's currently 8AM, and Jungkook should be here shortly. He was sweet enough to spend his few days off from his schedule to visit me in New York for Halloween.

Unfortunately for us, we have to travel thirty minutes to where my cousin Mina lives because I promised my Aunt I would take her trick-or-treating this year. I can't go anywhere now in my town without people publicizing that I'm there, so I guess it works out in my favor.

I'm sure she was more than thrilled to find out I was bringing Jungkook with me. All my relatives talk about with me is Jungkook. They're so proud of BTS' impact in America and probably flaunt me off to their co-workers and friends.

"I don't want to give out candy," David complains from the couch.

He is halfway through a bag of popcorn and I'm still shocked his metabolism is keeping up with his pre-pubescent eating habits.

"I do it every year," I say, "It's not that big of a deal. Suck it up."

Every Halloween before this year, I used to be the one who stayed in all day to give out the candy to trick-or-treaters while David went out with his friends during the day. It was because my parties were at night, meanwhile my parents still wouldn't let David do anything.

But this year— well, it's not like I can bring Jungkook to a party with me. I wouldn't want Jungkook to be the photobomb of a keg stand or a person shot-gunning a beer.

"I'm having some friends over tonight."

I shake my head immediately, "but I'm here."

David rolls his eyes, "You act like you're that famous. So what you have millions of followers and made that stupid speech? My friends don't care."

"Jungkook will be here too, smartass." I grit at him, pulling the pillow from under his head.

He grunts and throws a nearby pillow back at me. He misses and knocks over the lamp. I laugh pathetically at him as I check my phone. Jungkook is running late.

"My friends don't even know who he is," David continues with his semantics.

My shoulders sink. I partially feel bad for David. For the first time in all of his life, my parents aren't home for a Halloween. I sigh. Halloween is a big deal in my neighborhood.

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