19. early

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It's 1AM when I arrive back to the hotel room. I can still feel the tingling on my lips from the feeling of Jungkook's against mine, my fingertips still reeling over the touch of his skin and an everlasting smile indented into my cheeks. Luckily, the room is dark when I enter and I can only hear the faint sounds of David's breathing.

I use the light from my lockscreen to illuminate myself a pathway. I have yawned about ten times since I got to the hallway, and my eyes are feeling heavy as I'm trying to squint my way to find my suitcase.

Every emotion that I've had today feels as though it is amplified by 100. I have made up my mind: I want to date him. It's as simple as that. How can I ignore the fact that he makes me incredibly happy?

My subconscious bullies me after every decision I make. She's always wondering: Will he want you back? Will his reputation be ruined? Will his fans hate him? Will you be the reason for his unhappiness? I used to listen to her, I really did; but lately she has been saying some incredibly drastic things that I don't want to believe.

Through my tiredness I still muster enough energy in order to pull out the cot I requested yesterday. I cannot sleep in that bed with my acrobatic sleep-moving brother and that snoring machine of a best friend. Why am I the only one who sleeps peacefully? I can't blame them, though. It's not like they choose to be like this.

I am so tired that I don't bother to put on the sheets of the mattress. After washing my face, changing into pajamas and finally getting my phone on a charger, I physically can't do anything else once my body hits the soft confines of the material. I sigh happily into my travel neck pillow because it was the only thing near me I could see.

And then all too suddenly I feel my body being shaken vigorously. It takes me a moment to realize it's actually happening before I open my eyes. I feel as though I only had my eyes shut for a few seconds, but the time on the digital clock sitting on the desk tells me it's just past 4AM.

It's still dark in the room and I can't make out who is shaking me. The person must realize I am totally confused because a phone screen illuminates. Luna is standing over me with a wild expression.

"Check your Twitter. Now." she whispers hurriedly.

"Are you crazy?" I ask.

My eyes haven't even been able to fully open and I feel drunk. I think my body is in shock of being awake right now. I want to question why Luna is awake but then remember she slept for so long in the evening and curse at her to leave me alone. Given that it's unlike her to wake people from their sleep for no reason, I decide to listen to her.

I feel around for my phone. I end up having to follow the white wire down to the floor because it has fallen in between the mattress and the back of the couch. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me to stop as I start pulling the wire to pull my phone up. When I unlock my phone I am shocked at all my notifications.

"What happened?" I ask groggily, "Wait. Am I dreaming?"

I look at Luna to make sure she is still there. She grabs my hand and squeezes it until I wince.

"Okay, okay," I retract my hand quickly and continue my attention to my phone.

"Do you see?" She asks.

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