Chapter 8: Confessions

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TW: depression,suicide talk

WARNING : I will be attempting to write poetry in this so, don't be too harsh, I'm just not very good at poetry,but I want one in here... So sorry in advance for my horrible poetry skills.

A/N: don't worry there will be more Natsuki and Yuri coming up! This is for plot structure only 😬

Monika's POV:

Oh gosh, oh gosh. This kid! If Sayori didn't want him around so much I would just delete him from the club! Sorry that's probably too violent, it's just... after what he said to her, my blood wasn't just boiling it was scorching hot and practically on fire.How dare he! How dare he say those things to her!!! I was seething with him. Plus I wasn't in the best of moods due to my home life.  It was Friday now, only one more club meeting till the festival and I was ready to get things done and over with! Especially today!

   I nearly snapped my pen in half as I mulled over his  words from the previous day again. Ass. where did he get off anyway? Not like he had a girlfriend or anything.
  "Hi Monika." Sayori smiled at me, as she entered the clubroom, but her usual bright beautiful blue eyes weren't sparkling like usual. They looked dull, almost sad. "Can't believe the festival is on Monday huh?" She murmured softly and I stood. Walking around the desk I had been sitting in. I leaned against the desk and eyed her with concern.
   "Yeah time flew by so fast." I agreed softly. Sayori nodded, glancing at MC, who had unfortunately been in here since I had. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and forced a smile.
   "Monika do you-"

   "S-should we p-pr-ractice our poems for the festival?" Yuri questioned as she walked into the room clutching her notebooks. She looked awful too, what was going on with my club-members?! Dark circles loomed under her eyes and she kept glancing behind herself, as if something was following her.
   "Of course we just have to wait for Natsuki." I smiled and she paled even more so.
   "I doubt she's coming today." MC exclaimed and suddenly Yuri was very alert. She practically cornered MC against the wall.
   "What are you talking about? Where is she?" MC looked flustered as he floundered for words. "MC what are you talking about?!" She demanded obviously not pleased that he wasn't answering her quick enough. I kind of liked seeing MC struggle. 

   "Um...I saw her crying .... When I was walking past the lunchroom.." he whispered softly. I frowned did he honestly expect us to believe that Natsuki was hiding in the lunchroom crying? Yuri looked down cast as she stepped away from him, her expression torn. Maybe there was something going on with Natsuki that only Yuri knew....worry filled my insides and I looked to Sayori who was starting to head for the door, probably to go find our manga-loving friend.

Just then the door banged open.
   "Can't believe I'm the last one." Natsuki grumbled as she sat her backpack down on the nearest desk with a low thump. Yuri let out a breath of relief and turned away, digging into her backpack.

   "Oh Natsuki I'm so glad you are here!" Sayori exclaimed bubbly as ever as she danced over to her and threw her arms around her. I couldn't help the tinge of jealousy that worked it's way through my body. God why did I have to be so gay? Why'd I have to love someone so straight? Why did I always have to be so jealous? But I had been this way as long as I could remember...ever since my first year when my boyfriend cheated on me. Which is when I realized I didn't need that in my life. But now I didn't trust people well...and often I was jealous of every little thing... especially if I liked someone and I saw them with someone else.

Suddenly arms were wrapped around me and I blinked. What had just happened?
   "You're zoning out on us again Monika!" Sayori giggled and I smirked, I was usually able to keep a good poker face most of the time. I rolled my eyes and suddenly pain flashed through her eyes and she pulled away.
   "Well, are we going to read poems or not?!" Natsuki demanded and I nodded slowly as I eyed Sayori.
   "Yeah let's get this done okay?" I clasped my hands and urged them to get their poems.

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