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Seokjin's eyes fluttered open as a yawn escaped him. He blinked several times, his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. His alarm hadn't gone off yet so he guessed it was still rather early in the morning.

He adjusted his sleeping position, wiggling under the covers a bit as he he felt Tae's body pressed up against his back. He slowly rolled under Tae's arm, facing him rather than having his back on him. Then his body went stiff.

It wasn't Tae who was in bed with him.

There before him, his face now only a few millimeters away from Seokjin's was no other than Mr. King of Korea dead asleep with his arm over Jin's body, lips slightly parted and low snores coming out of his lips.

Seokjin's cheeks went red and he felt his ears burning as soon as he realized what this all meant.

He had been spooning with the King.

Now they were facing each other, Jin had been using Namjoon's arm as a pillow and that was still in play at the moment, the King's other arm was thrown over Jin's body, hugging him but also just hovering there.

Jin's heart pounded loudly against his chest as he recalled that the last thing he remembered was being in the kitchen, waiting. He must've fallen asleep while waiting.

Was he carried here?

Did Namjoon carry him here?

He blushed at the thought. He was much too heavy to be carried so easily, the King must've struggled.

Although the thought of waking him up popped into his head, he didn't want to. He felt warm and comfortable in the man's arms. Protected. Special.

Jin had slept in the same bed with his friends before. Usually during sleepovers he, Hoseok, Jimin and Tae would all bundle up in one bed and sleep together. 

This was different. It felt different. More intimate.

Namjoon's chest heaved up and down slowly, very slowly. Jin found himself watching the man's lips as air escaped them, he brought a finger to Joon's lips, rubbing the tip of his thumb against the man's bottom lip. They were somewhat chapped, but felt soft and plushy nonetheless.

Unable to help himself, Seokjin scooted closer to place a chaste kiss on them. Short, quick, barely touching the other's. As soon as he pulled away he felt a sudden force on his neck push him forward and crash into those lips once more.

This time Namjoon's lips moved against his. The sudden action made Jin gasp and Namjoon took advantage of that small opening to taste the inside of the former's mouth. 

Maybe it was the location that caused the situation to heat up or the fact that the sheets now had both their scents mixed into it, but the kiss grew more passionate than the ones before.

Tenderly, Namjoon finished off by taking the elder's lower lip in his mouth, light nibbling it before sighing contently against his lips. 

"I swear, Seokjin," Namjoon mutters as he pulled away, it was until he pulled away that Jin realized he hadn't been breathing, "You wake me up like that every morning and I'll be signing peace treaties for the rest of my reign."

Seokjin just blushed and pulled the cover over his face, Namjoon chuckled and pulled the elder male closer to him.

"Did you miss me?" he asked, kissing the top of Jin's head and snuggling up against his body.

Jin nodded. 

"A lot?"

He nodded again.

"Sorry to make you wait," he said, rubbing his fingers through the male's soft and messy hair, "Thank you for the kalguksu, by the way. It was delicious."

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