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It amazing how your view on things changes when you find a sudden confidence in yourself.

For the first time, Seokjin sees the looks he's getting from several other candidates, he notices how they whisper behind his back, how they tell their stylists to die down the accessories, to not add so much make up. They were finding ways to compete with him, to be at the same level as him.

Sung-kyung had handed him a tablet, showed him the articles. The Korean media was praising him like crazy, calling him humble, handsome, funny, sweet. There was one article that commended his charisma, mentioning how he so easily got the audience to fall in love with him even when he did such a dorky act.

Another article applauded his bravery, for stepping in front of a gun to save a little girl.

There were several comments under each article, the fans that got to meet him said that he was very well mannered and sweet, mentioning how he was so good looking even up close.

One article even referred to his amazing self confidence, saying he was setting a grand example on how people should have that level of confidence.

It amazed him really, knowing how people saw him, what they thought of him. He was now aware that the world saw him as something entirely different than what he saw in himself.

And he was going to live up to it.

His stylist did an amazing job with him. They all had to wear light blue suits with a white dress shirt underneath. She had set his hair so that it looked fluffy yet showed his forehead and his thick eyebrows.

He looked good. Handsome, he told himself. Giving himself the courage he needed.

Sung-kyung had also changed Jimin, and Hoseok's hair colors. Hoseok going black and Jimin going ashy brown, Tae was still blonde. She was right when she said that everyone else would have vivid hair colors, the line consisted of several almost every color in the rainbow. Only the four of them had 'normal' hair colors.

Kim Matthew, who everyone in the competition referred to as Big Matthew (BM for short) got out of the line and walked over to him. His hair had been dyed silver, "I see they got rid of your pink hair," he said, looking down at Seokjin.

Seokjin held his ground and smiled at him, ignoring how intimidating it was to have such a huge man in front of him, "My stylist said we that blonde would look good on me."

"It does," BM agreed, looking rather annoyed. "All four of you look normal compared to the rest of us. Guess you have some stunt to stand out among the rest of us, huh?"

Someone clapped their hands together before he could answer. BM was told to go back to his spot in line. The one who clapped was Adora, one of the production team from BigHit in charge of keeping them in order. She had basically been deemed the organizer of the whole competition.

She was tiny but loud, you could here her booming voice amongst all the other chatter, "Okay, next in line, please!"

Seokjin couldn't really see the photo shoot well yet, the line was still long and they were going by their candidate number order. From where he stood however, he could hear the photographer giving out instructions. "Lower your head a bit," "Smile more", "Don't look so angry".

He patiently awaited his turn.

As he got closer and was able to get a better look, the first thing he noticed was Namjoon looked great in his ashy brown hair. The hair seemed to be the exact color of Jimin's new look, and the King wore the same blue suit as the candidates, only he wore a dark blue button down shirt underneath.

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