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Upon hearing the news, Seokjin felt his world crumbling, felt his hands tremble and nothing but utter panic could explain how stunned he was from the general's words.

He had been with Namjoon, comforting him, making sure he was eating and sleeping well when Namjoon had gotten the call from Yoongi, uttered the words that made Seokjin freeze because his body was going into shock.

"Go," Namjoon had told him and Seokjin didn't even think twice about dashing out of the king's quarters.

Running and pushing through the courtyard, Seokjin is basically pushing everyone out of his way but he doesn't stop till he reaches the doctor's office, instantly seeing his brother and friend startled at his sudden entrance.

"What happened?" Seokjin asks through faint breaths. "Why did I hear that Jimin tried to kill himself?"

Taehyung opens his mouth to respond, but Hoseok beats him to it, standing suddenly from his chair.

"Where have you been?" Hoseok's ask, suddenly getting real close to Seokjin's face. Hoseok is suddenly placing his hands on Jin's chest and shoving him back, emphasizing his every word with every shove. "Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been?!"

Jin's back hits the wall. His eyes are wide as he catches a glimpse of the crazy look in Hoseok's eyes. Seokjin may be older and bigger physically, but out of their circle of friends, Hoseok was the scary one when angry, and right now he looked furious.


"You were with your new fucking boyfriend, right?" Hoseok spats accusingly, as if Jin has done something utterly wrong. "Fuck it Jin," he says, dropping the honorifics, "is this how you're going to be now? Disappearing when your friends need you? Fuck y—"

A hand on his shoulder stops Hoseok from inching forward. "Hyung," Tae says gently, "Hyung stop, Jimin's okay for right now. Let's not make a mess of things okay?"

Hoseok's still mad. He's so unmistakably mad. It's so clear on his expression that it's scary. It's hard to get him mad. It's really hard to get him mad. Seokjin can't blame him though, he must be shaken up from this whole incident and Hoseok is really bad at handling his feelings.

Truth is, Hoseok isn't only mad at Jimin for trying to take his own life. He was mad at Seokjin for not being there, he was mad at himself for flirting while it happened and he was also mad at Tae for provoking it.

"You said you would talk to him," Hoseok says turning his fury on the younger. "What the hell did you say to him? I fucking trusted you with him and he's trying to drown himself after talking to him? Fuck it Tae! What the hell did you say?!"

Wincing from his tone, Taehyung takes a step back, eyes wide and hurt like a puppy being scolded. Hoseok doesn't even have time to feel bad cause Seokjin is suddenly cutting in.

"Yah," the eldest says firmly, stepping forward, "don't talk to my brother like that."

"You don't get a say in this," Hoseok spats back at him. "Don't come here pretending to care when you were away with your stupid royal boyfriend."

"His sister died you asshole!"

"Jimin almost fucking died!"

"Yah!" someone suddenly shouts, startling all three of them. And that's that. Silence until the general speaks up again, pushing himself up from the wall he was leaning on and glaring at the three of them. "There's a fucking ill person in here. Take your fight elsewhere."

Hoseok opens his mouth to protest, but Yoongi holds up his hand, silencing him. "Out."

Jin is the first one out, Taehyung following behind him with his head down. Hoseok reluctantly makes his way out too until a hand grabs him by the wrist before he's out. Yoongi's. "Stop that," he tells Hoseok.

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