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She walked into the club with her heart steady, taking long breaths. Looking down at her black, backless, cocktail dress, she bit her lip.

She didn't know what to expect from him, and the thought scared her. However, as soon as she lifted her head up, all her worries seemed to vanish.

He had prepared a table for them in the back, where she usually sat. The sight of candles, flowers, curly fries, and a piña colada had her heart soaring. When their eyes met from across the room, they smiled.

He stood as she made her way over to him. Once she stopped in front of him, they simply stared at each other.

His eyes seemed to sparkle when he regarded her, and she blushed at the attention. Noticing her timidness, he cleared his throat and pulled back the chair for her.

They sat down, and froze as their eyes locked again. This time, she let out a laugh at the awkwardness. The sound was more pleasant than any instrument he had ever played.

"Hello, " he said breathlessly.

"Hello, " she replied, picking up a fry. "Thank you for this."

  "You like it? I was worried you hadn't had dinner beforehand, but this seems to be your favorite meal."

  She chuckled; the softness of it had him hypnotized. "I always have dinner a bit earlier than usual, so this is my snack. And yes, I–I love it."

  "I'm glad, " he grinned. She took a sip of her drink, and he narrowed his eyes at it.

  "What is it?" she asked, following his gaze.

  "I've never had a piña colada before."

  Her eyes widened. "Really? It's the best drink I've ever had. Here, taste some of mine."

  "No, it's fine. I'll just buy one now, " he said, but she shook her head.

  "First, try it. See if you like it, " she suggested, pushing her glass towards him. He looked up at her and admired her kindness.

  "You don't mind?"

  "Not at all, " she responded. She was a bit shocked herself at how comfortable she was with him. But at the same time, she adored the way his presence brought a sense of safety and peace upon her.

  He caved in, and took a small sip from her glass. He was immediately engulfed by sweetness. "Wow."

  "I know, " she laughed at his reaction, and her smile grew as he called a waiter over to order one for himself. "So... could I ask you a question?"


"How do you play so many instruments? You seem to be a master at all things music, " she said, genuinely interested. His eyes glittered with pride at her words.

"Well, thank you. Music has always been a crucial part of my life. It was how I was raised. Learning the different types of music, how to create different sounds with different instruments seemed like the next step, " he explained to her before drinking more of his piña colada. "And what about you? Play any instruments?"

  She shook her head. "No, I wish. I've kind of always wanted to, but never had the opportunity or the time. I love listening and watching you play, though. It's beautiful."

  "These past few nights, my view from the stage has also been beautiful."

  Her cheeks heated up at his comment while he grinned at her. She began eating her fries, hoping to calm herself in front of this alluring man. Little did she know, he felt as nervous as her.

"What about singing? There's always time for that, " he said.

"Well, I hum a little here and there. I've never tried anything serious."

He nodded, leaning forward in interest. "So what are you passionate about? What gives you life?"

She was completely hypnotized by this man. The way he spoke to her made her body weak. "Writing. Creative writing."

"What do you write about?"

"People's stories. What goes on in their minds, how we're all so different... " she trailed off, her thoughts traveling elsewhere. He noticed the familiar intensity in her eyes; he felt the same way about music.

"I like that, " he told her honestly, and she smiled.

"I do too."

"Maybe I could read some of your work sometime."

"Maybe, " she said as she looked at the time. "I should go home. I never stay this late."

He tried not to look too disappointed. "Oh, okay. Do you need a ride?"

"No, thank you, I can walk. I'm not far, " she replied politely as she took her wallet out.

"Hey, my treat, " he said, putting down some cash.

She stared at him for a moment before putting a five dollar bill on the table. "I got the tip."

It didn't seem to be up for discussion, so he nodded in response. She was about to leave without another word, but she quickly turned back.

"This was nice. Really. Thank you, " she murmured, and gently kissed his cheek. He was a little surprised, but he quickly recovered.

"Thank you."

Neither of them knew how much those two words really meant to each other.

A/N: i am so late! i apologize profoundly, and i wish i could say i'll be updating faster. but no promises. i'm trying though!

i hope this chapter made your heart a little warmer.

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