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  For the next week, they talked to each other every single night.

  They'd talk about their dreams, their favorite movies, their accomplishments, and everything else. Their conversations seemed to flow like water every time, to the point where they knew they could share anything with the other.

  Even when he was playing on stage and she was writing in her journal, they were still talking to one another. Every note he created was for her, and every word she wrote was for him.

  Neither of them were aware of just how attached they had grown to each other. They only knew that as soon as they stepped into that jazz club, they felt nothing but happiness every time.

  But a thought had been circling in the musician's mind for a while now, and he decided to finally act on it.

He sat at her table during the band break, as per usual, and plastered on his signature smile. She closed her journal, narrowing her eyes at him. "What are you up to, Blue?"

"Well... I've been thinking," he started, and she feigned surprise. "This jazz club is nice and all, but there's a whole city out there that I have yet to explore."

She smiled knowingly. "Yes, that is true."

"And I'm free this weekend..."

"That's convenient."

"Yes, but I don't think I'd get the true city experience without a guide..." he trailed off, waiting for her to make an offer.

"Hm, you're probably right about that," she nodded nonchalantly, and he pursed his lips, trying to hold back an amused smile.

"So, maybe you could be that guide?"

She tapped her chin, thinking. "Oh, I don't know..."

"Come on, Rose. You're the most qualified person I can think of for the job. You know more about this city than that old man who plays the cello," he pointed to the stage, where a gray-haired man was dozing off in his seat, and she chuckled.

"Well, I guess I can't say no when you put it like that," she smiled.

  "Does Saturday work for you?" he asked; she nodded. "Great. Let's meet here at... noon?"

  "Sounds good to me."

  One of his band members then called him over, but he quickly reached for her hand and gave her a winsome grin before he stood. "I can't wait," he said earnestly.

  She squeezed his hand in response, and watched him return to the stage, where he was always in the spotlight in her eyes.

A/N: hey guys! it's been a while. hope you're all doing well.

this is the second update of the day, and i will try to write the next chapter of their adventure as fast as possible! i've recently rediscovered my love for writing, and i've been working on other stories, but i definitely want to complete this one soon!

thank you to those who have been patient with me and my writers block, much love.

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