The damage is done

228 18 4

I've pissed the bed again
How many times will I have to change the sheets
If it was not the blood from him, it was the piss from me
His weapon of pleasure turned purple,
I was not ready or ripe
I was too young for what was happening
But he promised me it was right. 

He told me this is love,
How was I ever to know that a man who was supposed to love me,
was being so untrue.

My second nightmare this week woke me
Drowning in a soaking bed
I was looking over a little girl
who was myself
Am I dead?
 I saw a giant body over mine
All I could do was scream
But it was no good, no one ever heard me.

How many times will I have to wash my sheets
Because of what you have done
But no matter how many times I wash them
The damage is done. 

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