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I saw in his eyes he was filled with regret
His eyes screamed to me the words he wished he had said
His eyes had a slight spark when he dreamed of what he could have had
But he knew he let go
He knew it was too late

I saw in her dry eyes that she had been crying forever
But yet had not shed a single tear
She was too scared to show true emotion
Because being weak was her only fear
She had to be strong for her children

I saw that despite being filled his eyes were empty
He was stuck on the same never ending road
He used to dream big, but for money his dreams were sold
He wanted to make a difference, but he chose to be safe
And even though he was smiling, I knew this was fake

I saw in her eyes a great deal of pain
No one would ever believe her, they would think she's insane
So she always smiled whilst she spoke
But her eyes never did let go of that fear
Because no matter how far she was from home
She knew her abuser was near

But in eight pairs of eyes, I did see some hope
That hope should never leave
And I hope they find strength to use their eyes and see what they want
And catch  it when they see it  
Rather than being controlled by their fears
I hope in the future their eyes will glisten
Because it is what they deserve
For all the forgotten voices that got lost in the winds
For all those who could have flew, but was stopped in spreading their wings
For all those who are hoping and praying for that positive turn,
I promise I will make sure, your voice will be heard. 

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