The words are endless

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The words are endless
There is so much I want to say
The truth always hurts
But the lies you keep spitting
They are the worst 

Black clouds keep lingering 
My heart cursed
Your lies are worthless
No matter what lays in your purse

I see through you
I'll make sure you take your blame
You lay me down before I wanted
You took something I would not have gave

Keep on denying
What we both know
And maybe I'll drown you in the truth 

I am not scared to show
If everyone was not so fucking blinded
They would too already know

If you cannot see it
I hope the dog leading you is not blind 
There is more than one reason I keep losing my mind
I hope your home is comfy
I hope you are at rest
Because I will come back for you
And put the evil you taught me to the test

I remember your smirk
I remember your smile
Is it sick that I kind of miss it?
Well don't you worry, I will see it in a while. 

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