"You Want to Stay"

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Charlie sat stiffly, wishing there was more than just a table between them as the waitress set a plate in front of her, then one in front of Leon. Looking up, she caught the woman giving him a flirtatious smile, but he was all business, checking his phone.


This made her wonder, again, what exactly he did for Remi.

When the waitress left them, he tucked his phone back into his suit jacket. Charlie picked up her fork and poked at her Caesar salad, waiting for him to speak.

"Did Mr. Robicheaux come to see you today?" he asked, making her look up.

"I'm not really sure that's any of your business," she retorted, setting her fork down and crossing her arms over her chest.

Leon stabbed at the lobster linguini he had ordered, but didn't eat. Another awkward silence drifted around them, made even worse by the three previous awkward silences they had suffered through on the way to this tiny—but still expensive—restaurant off Saint Charles.

But she had no intention of breaking this one, either. He was the one who'd wanted to talk, so he could talk. Meanwhile, she'd enjoy the free meal.

Picking up her fork, she speared a crouton. The crunch as she chewed was atrocious, and Leon shot her a dark look, but she didn't care. 

He finally let out a long-suffering sigh and leaned forward a little, his dark brown eyes cold as he raked his gaze over her. "I just can't figure it out," he said, shaking his head.

All she did was raise an eyebrow, nibbling on a piece of romaine.

"What exactly is it about you that has Mr. Robicheaux so enthralled? Because I'll admit I'm having a hard time seeing how you could possibly be worth the kind of money he's fronting you."

Those words stung a little. She set down her fork. "Well, then perhaps you should ask Mr. Robicheaux why," she said, voice frosted. "Because I have no earthly idea why that man does anything he does."

That came out more harshly than she'd intended, and Leon sat back in his seat.

"He told you."

"You'd think he'd try to hide something like that."

"That, at least, I believe we can agree on Miss LaSalle." He finally took a bite of his pasta. "But he's not the type to hide or run from anything."

"He did a damn good job of it before I signed those papers," Charlie nearly hissed, but really she knew it wasn't Leon's fault that she'd been so stupid and naive and... interested.

Among other things.

"Mr. Robicheaux is many things. Stupid is not one." He twirled a strand of pasta around his fork. "But I still don't know why he feels like we need you."

"Apparently because hospital visits are awkward. And suspicious." She'd unconsciously lowered her voice.

"They are. But I still don't know why he picked you."

Charlie was sure she didn't like how he'd said that last word. "Well, I guess you'll still have to ask him. Because I have no goddamn idea. Look, I..." She let out a breath and looked down, shaking her head helplessly. "I have no idea what I'm doing here. I'm not... He said I could leave."

"Maybe that's best."

This made her look up, startled. What?

Leon barely blinked, staring at her. His handsome face was decidedly less handsome with the expression he was wearing, his features marred by the icy sternness.

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