Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Succeeded?

Sitting on the chair next to the window that had been placed into my room. My hand on my two month pregnant bump. My mind was filled with the Holly problem, Toni hadn't been back all night. He was stressing and itching to find Holly, Drake told him that she wasn't okay mentally and he suggested Toni to consider sending her to a mental hospital, indeed he was being dead serious. 

My mind couldn't go to the positive things, it was only going to the negative. I stood up not feeling the power to continue and sit here, it almost made me feel like I was choking. I grabbed my phone and walked towards the door, pulling it open and walking out. (Outfit on top) 

I carefully walked down the steps heading out of the mansion. Making sure not to make any noise as I shut the door behind myself, knowing Toni told everyone in the house not to let me out alone but right now that's what I wanted, to be alone. All month everyone has been surrounding me and I feel as if I'm choking, the fresh air filled my lungs as I walked down the sidewalk with my hands buried in my pockets. 

Pushing the stray of hair that fell onto my right eyes, looking over my shoulder to see someone walking towards me, turning my body to see Toni with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing out here alone?" He asked, with a little anger in his voice. 

I sucked in a breath. "I needed some air." I muttered, looking down at my shoes. 

"Air!? You could have gotten air inside or in the backyard." He scoffed shaking his head. "You know Holly is out here somewhere. What if she came after you!?" He shouted a little, causing me to flinch back. 

I swallowed roughly. "T-Toni." I grabbed his hand, rubbing my thumb on his knuckle staring up at his perfect eyes. "If I would have stayed inside that mansion for more than a second I would have exploded. I feel as if i'm choking with all the people surrounding me, or I feel as if the walls will close up on me if I don't go outside for a second. I know you're as scared as I am but you should know that if I continued to stay inside that mansion with people surrounding me. I'd lose my mind." He stared down at me with softness. 

His angry face slowly faded away as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I'm just trying to keep you safe. I'm losing my mind thinking about Holly being close but we can't see her." He placed a kiss onto my head, my eyes fluttered closed as I snuggled into his chest. 

It was comfortable but that was until the moment was ruined by something hitting my foot, pulling away from Toni confused as looking down to see a rock. Furrowing my brows crouching down picking up the rock to see a paper placed into the small crack, pulling it out glancing up at Toni who looked just as confused. 

"What is that?" He asked, I shrugged. 

"I don't know." I responded, looking down at the paper and my heart automatically stopped. 

'This isn't over. It will never be over until I succeed.

Loads of love. -Hxx~

"Fuck!" Toni cursed, looking around us. "Come on." He grabbed my hand after he took the paper away from me, he took me back towards the mansion, opening the mansion door and leading me towards the living room where Anna and Travis kissing. 

"Oh." I accidentally let it slip, as Toni and I awkwardly stared at the two of them, they quickly pulled away staring at us with wide eyes. 

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