Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Christmas Disaster.

Christmas has finally arrived and sadly for Toni he couldn't find anyone to replace Paul yet which has him fuming that his father isn't changing Paul's place at the moment. I placed my hand on my bump as I made my way down the stairs to see Toni and Drake working on some of the designs for the family gathering we were going to have for today. 

My eyes landed on Paul who Toni continuously was glaring at Paul who was also helping them which obviously Toni didn't like that and Drake on the other hand just hated him because Toni hates him, apparently it's a best friend code. I heard it from Katherine when I was confused about Drake being all moody and mean to Paul but then she told me the meaning behind it all. 

"The queen is walking towards us." Drake announced causing Toni to look over at me from the ladder he was on. "Merry Christmas!" Drake cheered happily. 

"Merry Christmas to you too, Drake." I sent him a soft smile at his cheerfulness. 

Toni glanced over at Paul who gave me a soft smile. "Pay attention." Toni snapped, causing Paul to look over at the job again. I sighed at Toni's rudeness towards the poor guy that was helping him. "Babe, why don't you go sit down." He called over his shoulder. 

I ran a hand through my hair. "I've been sleeping all day. I think that's enough rest." I responded, crossing my arms making my way to drake's side instantly he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"You're carrying twins. I think it's best if you sit." He continued on making me sigh. Ever since he found out i'm carrying two children he has been even more protective and even more carrying. All he wants me to do is sit and rest in case something happens to the three of us, he worries a lot. 

"I'm tired of resting so much." I refused, causing him to clench the decoration in his hand. 

"Stubborn woman." He muttered, but I still heard it. 

"If she doesn't want to sit down don't force-" Paul cut himself off when he saw Toni's face. 

"Oh shit..." Drake uttered, almost laughing at Paul's regretful face. I couldn't help but feel bad for Paul because of everything Toni was doing to him out of possessiveness, I feel as if he is just paranoid and Drake just agreed because Toni is his best friend. 

Toni looked as if he was about to murder the man standing next to the ladder. "That's right." He continued with the last decoration on the wall before climbing down the ladder. "Open your mouth again and speak to me with that tone you'll find yourself jobless." He threatened causing me to cringe at his anger towards the guard. 

"I understand, Sir." Paul said, Toni nodded turning around and walking towards me. 

He pushed my hair out of the way giving me a short kiss on my lips. "It's all done." He said, as soon as we pulled away, breathing out in relief. 

I chuckled staring up at the decorated walls. "You guys did pretty great." I grinned at their designs. "It's beautiful." I complimented causing Toni to smirk at me. 

"Mrs. Mahfud." I heard Paul's voice causing Toni to tense and Drake to shake his head sighing. 

"This guy is asking for a death wish." Drake muttered to himself. 

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