Chapter 1

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{Picture above is Moon. The darkest grey along his back and his neck are all scars from his attack explained below. He has more scars on his other side but the drawing doesn't show them}

--1 Year before the Indominus-Rex Attack--

"Moon!"  The annoying voice of my trainer called as I basked in the sun. Just drop dead in the middle of my pen, in the sun. "Get up you lazy pain!" He tried again. I chuffed at him, glimpsing at him with my left eye and watching him throw his arms around in annoyance above me.

"What're you yellin' bout now?" One of the other members of the Velociraptor Team yelled at Owen as he climbed up the stairs, I assumed at least.

"He's pulling the sleeping card...Again!" Owen screamed in exasperation, hands palced on the hair on his head.

"Use your magical clicker. It works on the girls" The darker skinned man pointed out making me chuff again in amusement. Owen groaned before he looked down at me.

"It doesnt work on him! And I've got no control over him like I do the girls" He cried before groaning loudly.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" I roared up at the pair. Both of them jumped making me smirk in satisfaction.

Neither of them understood me. To them it was just a roar and growl.

"How dare you quarrel with your Alpha! You Omega!" An extremely confident and violent roar emanated.

With a small eye roll, I raised my head and looked over at the blue striped female Velociraptor with a chuckle.

"He's not my Alpha, Beta! I can ensure you of that!" I laughed before narrowing my large purple eyes at her. "And I'm no Omega! It would be a disgrace to join your pack! I am so much stronger than you!" I roared at her.

The two male humans watching with curiosity both jumped when Blue and her sisters lunged at me through the bars. Their talons leaving gouges in the metal bars seperating us.

Not even bothering to get up, knowing the bars would hold, I gave them a huffed chuckled before letting my head hit the ground again.

"Don't turn your back on us, Omega!" Charlie snarled at me in rage. She lunged at the bars again, her talons scratching the metal once again.

I continued to stay laid down untill the grating of her talons became a musical chorus of the four of them.

"Oh shit! Get them before they break through and kill him!" Owen yelled as I got to my taloned feet quickly and roared a threatening warning at them.

"You break into here and you each better beg to your Alpha that I do not kill you all!" I snarled as Blue and Delta bit chunks off the metals bars. Each assisting in creating a larger hole.

Then they broke through.

"Your going to pay for disobeying Alpha!" Echo chuckled.

"Another foot and I tear the four of you to shreds!" I snarled in warning.

They each looked at each other before they split up and began circling me.

'They forget I myself am a Velociraptor like they are' I laughed to myself before nipping at Delta as she got too close.

"Last warning" I informed them.

They each looked to Blue as she stood in front of me. I growled at her before she nodded giving the three lower status raptors the command to attack.

I roared in both pain and rage when Echo jumped atop me and bit my neck, Delta digging her talons into my back under Echo whilst Charlie bit and attacked the under of my neck going for my throat.

"Get off me!" I Snarled before biting into the neck of Charlie before throwing Echo off my back and into Delta.

I then jumped on top of Blue as she went for my tail, having turned around to Roar at the pair. Biting at her neck, I was tackled off her by Charlie before she latched onto my snout effective clamping my powerful jaws together.

I roared, despite it being muffled, as I noticed Blue come from my side, Delta on my behind whilst Echo came from my other side to Blue. Each then latched onto me, biting and tearing my skin mostly around my back, neck and chest.

"Tranq them now!" I heard Owen command from above making me snarl again.

Before he and the other humans could fire, I threw all my weight to one side, rolling over Echo and pulling the other three with me till I stood on top of them all.

"Get out of my pen before I pull your throats from your necks!" I snarled like a wild animal, watching with satisfaction as fear planted itself in each of their eyes.

Confidently, I got off them and allowed them to leave. Delta and Echo booked it for the broken bars, jumping through whilst Charlie took her time.

Blue stood her ground, getting onto her feet with a growl. The fear previously in her eyes still there but she would not let herself be beaten by an Omega.

"NOW BEFORE I STRIP YOU OF YOUR SPINE!!" I roared at her. She almost tripped over her own feet with the speed of which she used to escape my pen.

"Someone needs to tranq the four girls so we can fix those bars before they regain their confidence" Owen spoke once I was the only occupant of my own pen.

"But what about the male?! He just showed them who was boss and you want us to go down there with him still awake?!" One of the younger members argued terrified.

"He was defending himself. He won't hurt you and besides I'll be down there too trying to patch him back up" Owen informed everyone, myself growling in response.

"Come near me and I'll pull your hair from your head" I growled, him paling knowing that I just threatened him.

"Let's get to work"

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