Chapter 9

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"I'm going to stuff that thing right after I rip the spines from those Raptors!" I snapped loudly, having checked all my wounds and observing that I was bleeding but could still fight.

Using my abilities to camouflage and hide my thermal radiation, I hid amongst the trees stalking my former pen neighbours.

When the human began firing and screaming, I realised that they were using tactics they were hatched with to kill the humans one by one till none were left.

With a deep snarl, I caught sight of Barry as he dove into a fallen tree trunk to get away from Blue.

"Leave him alone!" I snarled, jumping at her and tackling her off the tree trunk.

"You Omega!" She growled at me as we bit and scratched the other trying to get the upper hand, my abilities deactivating when I lost focus on them.

The sound a motorbike and Owen's whistles caught both our attentions. I moved away from Blue as she growled at him and ran after him as he road off.

A scream in the distance caused me to pale as I realised it was coming from where our pens were.

'Zach! Gray!' I deadpanned, my stomach dropping with the realisation.

Forcing myself to sprint in that direction, picking up one of the girls scent.

With a snarl, I broke out of the tree line immediately spotting one of the girls as she pulled a human from the back of a vehicle I could see Zach and Gray panicking in.

Jumping up into the the back just as Claire began driving, I turned into my human form hoping the two males would stop yelling at me.

"Claire! Drive to the main park!" I yelled through the hole before almost losing my footing as the vehicle hit a bump.

"Are you two unharmed?" I asked the two males staring at me with awe.

"Y-yeah, we're fine" Zach answered before I heard a window shatter and Claire screaming.

"Aunt Claire!" Gray shouted as I threw the slider open to see one of the raptors head on Claire's lap as it tried to bite her.

"Claire, drive to the side! Hit her with the trees!" I ordered her, Claire doing just that effectively making it hit a tree trunk and roll on the ground behind us.

"There's another one!" Gray called in fear making me turn around abruptly to see Charlie chasing us before Delta joined her side having gotten off the ground from her previous roll

Zach must have gained some confidence as I lost my balance and fell to the floor because he grabbed one of the gas bottles, rolling it out of the open doors and watching as the two raptors dodged it.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures" I muttered not realising that Gray had heard me and was now watching me get to my feet with worry.

"Keep eachother safe" I told the pair before I dove at Delta as she went to jump at us, turning into my Velociraptor form and sinking my teeth into her neck before ripping her throat apart, killing her easily.

"Charlie! You little rat-clawed parasite!" I snarled at her as she ran past me and after the vehicle.

I quickly gave chase, leaving Delta behind on the ground before having to jump over Charlie as she rolled along the ground.

I looked up observing the two males as they both held an electrical rod used to zap the dinosaurs when we were misbehaving.

I watched as they both backed up to the wall dividing them to Claire allowing me space to jump in. Turning human mid air I landed on my stomach. My shoulder, neck and leg all hurting.

"Are you boys okay?" Claire questioned from the front as the boys were still excitedly looking back at the raptor still knocked out.

"Did you see that?!" Zach called, opening the slider to see her better.

"I can't wait to tell Mum!" Gray added making me smile at them wearily before I groaned and pulled my body to a sitting position.

"Please, no. Do not tell your mother about that, ever" Claire returned as movement outside caught my eye making me look out to see Owen riding his motorcycle.

"Owen!" Both the younger males yelled once they noticed them as well.

Owen gave us all a nod in acknowledgement, giving myself a look of relief upon seeing me alive.

I gave him one back in acknowledgement and relief that he too was alive before watching as he disappeared up the drivers side.

"Moon?" Gray asked making me look up at him as I decided to pull my shirt off to check my wounds.

"Your bleeding!" Zach exclaimed making Claire panic in the front as he pointed to my neck and side.

"Appears I am" I agreed, touching the warm red blood and letting it move between two fingers.

I groaned as I reached over for the first aid kit, having seen the humans around my pen use them whenever the girls bit them.

Pulling the needle and thread out, I began stitching my side making sure the two males couldn't see. I wasn't certain that they weren't screamish with this sort of thing.

"Need a hand?" Zach asked me, moving to in front of me where he could clearly see the stitches and wounds.

"I believe I've got it under control" I replied offering him a thankful look as I pulled the thread through the last wound on my side before knotting it.

"H-How did you even know how to do that?" I heard Gray ask quietly as he looked at my face not letting his eyes drop.

"Observation. For some reason I have an incredibly high intelligence that allows me to take what I see into what I do" I answered him before I put the needle and thread in the bin and throwing the kit back where it was.

"It's all clear, Gray" I spoke watching with a gentle smile as he focused on me again and looked at my torn up shirt.

"Where did you get all your scars from?" He asked me as I was thrown into the air for a few seconds as the vehicle hit another bump.

I laughed awkwardly as I remembered the event before I sighed.

"The four Velociraptors believe me to be the Omega of their pack. Due to being so much stronger than them, it would be a disgrace to be so" I explained to them watching as they both listened to me.

"One day they got incredibly angry and managed to break through the bars seperating our pens. After a short fight, I came out on top. I gained plenty of scars as well as losing one of the talons on my right foot" I finished.

The two boys looked at me with wide eyes before Gray dove at me, wrapping himself around me as he cried into my shoulder.

The action caught me by surprise but after a few seconds I hugged him back

"It's going to be alright, Gray" I whispered into his ear as he sobbed. "Your both incredibly brave and I am getting you all off this wretched island even if it kills me"

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